Using Composer's Autoload

Using Composer's Autoload

Every package should be responsible for autoloading itself, what are you trying to achieve with autoloading classes that are out of the package you define?

One workaround if it's for your application itself is to add a namespace to the loader instance, something like this:


$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('AppName', __DIR__.'/../src/');

How to use Composer's autoloader to autoload arbitrary classes/namespaces not configured in composer.json?

With this file structure:

Sample Image

Where class Test1 is:

// out/Test1.php
class Test1
public function foo(): string
return "foo bar baz";

and class FooBar/Console/Test2 is:

// psr4/someroot/Console/Test2
namespace FooBar\Console;

class Test2
public function bar(): string
return "fizz buzz";

and having this on the test script (test.php)

// test.php

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();

$loader->add('Test1', __DIR__ . '/out');
$loader->addPsr4('FooBar\\', __DIR__ . '/psr4/someroot');


$t1 = new Test1();
$t2 = new \FooBar\Console\Test2();

echo $t1->foo(), "\n";
echo $t2->bar(), "\n";

I can run php test.php perfectly fine.

So something else must be misconfigured in your project. Use the above example as a guide to fix it.

How to use multiple autoload functions for composer?

I want to use vendor/autoload.php - for composer files, but only my autoload-my-func.php for classes with my custom namespace. (My_Custom_Namespace)

You should use composer's auto loader for both and define your custom namespace in your composer.json file. If you are stuck with a poorly designed legacy system, and you need something to bridge a gulf of stupidity until you can create a better solution, then you should take a look at the documentation for spl_autoload_register. Specifically, the line about "if there must be multiple autoload functions, spl_autoload_register() allows for this. It effectively creates a queue of autoload functions, and runs through each of them in the order they are defined." When you include composers autoload.php, you eventually get a few calls to spl_autoload_register(), so simply register your custom autoloader after including composer's.

Class not found when trying to use composer auto load in a wordpress plugin

After some research, I discovered solution. Adding:

"config": {
"optimize-autoloader": true

to composer.json solved the issue.

Custom autoload conflicts with Composer's autoload?

You might be able to replace your custom autoloader function with a classmap autoloader in your composer.json:

"autoload": {
"classmap": ["classes/"],
"files": ["custom_funcs.php"]

This map is built by scanning for classes in all .php and .inc files in the given directories/files.

Whenever you create a new class, you might have to update composer's autoloader by using composer dump-autoload for it to be picked up. I am not sure if this is the case by default or only when optimizing the autoloader, though. In any case this could be solved by adopting PSR-0 or PSR-4 naming conventions for new classes.

edit: Since all files will be autoloaded for you with composer's autoloader, it should not be necessary anymore to require them manually. Therefore you could also remove the setupBeforeClass-method

composer autoload in laravel

Every package should be responsible for autoloading itself

Consider Laravel as a single package like others

You can find vendor composer.json files in each packages separately

Here are the directory structure

| |--------App/
| |
| |--------Test/
| |
| |---------composer/
| | |---------autoload_psr4.php
| |
| |----------autoload.php

You can take a look my another answer for this autoload classmap

Cannot autoload class using composer from within other autoloaded class file

You're not using a FQCN of the Config class, but a name relative to App\Database namespace.

To fix this, you need to prefix the Config class with a \:


or even better, you can import the Config class with use App\Config\Config; and then use it with Config::GetDatabaseConfig()

Composer autoload not working for package with custom installer-paths set

I overlooked something, and this turned out not to be a problem with composer. The path to the vendor directory was not the same on my local disk vs inside the docker container.

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