Setting a PHP $_Session['Var'] Using Jquery

Setting a PHP $_SESSION['var'] using jQuery

You can't do it through jQuery alone; you'll need a combination of Ajax (which you can do with jQuery) and a PHP back-end. A very simple version might look like this:


<img class="foo" src="img.jpg" />
<img class="foo" src="img2.jpg" />
<img class="foo" src="img3.jpg" />


// Get the src of the image
var src = $(this).attr("src");

// Send Ajax request to backend.php, with src set as "img" in the POST data
$.post("/backend.php", {"img": src});

PHP (backend.php):

// do any authentication first, then add POST variable to session
$_SESSION['imgsrc'] = $_POST['img'];

How to assign value of jQuery to PHP SESSION in javascript

It's not possible to directly assign session value. using AJAX to assign the session value. Please review below code

var designation = $("#Designation").val();
url: "session.php",
type: "POST",
data : {'designation' : designation },
success: function(html){


Then create the session.php file paste the below code




jQuery AJAX - Set PHP Session variable

Try this...
Use "session_start" before check


if (isset($_SESSION['promoBar'])) {

echo $_SESSION['promoBar'];

else {

$_SESSION['promoBar'] = "closed";
echo "does not exist";



How to echo PHP session variable While using Jquery?

You need to change 'data-title' attribute in 'input' field

data-title="MB | <?php echo $_SESSION['UserName'];?> | <?php echo $_SESSION['TeamName'];?> | "

instead of

data-title="MB | "

Get a PHP $_SESSION variable from Jquery?

You'll need to inject it, something like this:

var sessName = '<?php echo $_SESSION['name']?>';

The file containing this script must be executed by the php interpreter (i.e. a .php file)

EDIT: Conceding to Radu's point, it would be safer execute for unsanitized data:

var sessName = <?php echo json_encode($_SESSION['name']) ?>;

Setting session variable with jQuery (without passing via Post or Get)

$_SESSION is a PHP array, you cannot set it on the client side via Javascript. The value has to be sent to the server to be stored in the array.

The question you pointed to shows how you can retrieve the data from $_SESSION, but it won't work for storing data.

The error you see in the console "Undefined index: sessionKey" simply means that the Javascript array named $_SESSION has no key named "sessionKey".

Setting session variable in php through jquery click event

Here's what I would do (cut some code out for quickness):

HTML (you don't require javascript void code if using jQuery):

<ul id="set-display">
<li><a href="" id="list">Listview</a></li>
<li><a href="" id="grid">Gridview</a></li>


$('#set-display a').click(function(e) {
var type = $(this).attr('id');
var view = (type === 'grid') ? 'gridview' : 'listview';
$.post('library/fx.behaviour.php', { display: view });

// you can use the view or type variable to trigger your other code


session_start(); // if not called already

// if POST display not empty and is expected string then use it, otherwise default to 'listview'
$_SESSION['display'] = ( ! empty($_POST['display']) && in_array($_POST['display'], array('listview', 'gridview'))) ? $_POST['display'] : 'listview';

I used $_POST['display'] rather than setdisplay for naming consistency. It might also be worth checking your jQuery call gets a valid 200 response. In Chrome you can do this by going to the Inspector, selecting the network tab, click the button, and watch for the request.

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