Checking If a Number Is Float in PHP

check for integer or float values

Probably $number is actually a string: "0.5".

See is_numeric instead. The is_* family checks against the actual type of the variable. If you only what to know if the variable is a number, regardless of whether it's actually an int, a float or a string, use is_numeric.

If you need it to have a non-zero decimal part, you can do:

//if we already know $number is numeric...
if ((int) $number == $number) {
//is an integer

checking if a number is float in PHP

If you change the first line to

$rewardAmt = $amt+0;

$rewardAmt should be cast to a number.

How to check if a number (float or integer) is within a range (0 - 100)

No need for regex:

if (is_numeric($val) && $val > 0 && $val <= 100)
echo '$val is number (int or float) between 0 and 100';



It turns out you're getting the numeric values from a string. In that case, it would be best to extract all of them using a regex, something like:

if (preg_match_all('/\d+\.?\d*/', $string, $allNumbers))
$valid = [];
foreach ($allNumbers[0] as $num)
if ($num > 0 && $num <= 100)
$valid[] = $num;

You can leave out the is_numeric check, because the matched strings are guaranteed to be numeric anyway...

php - check if a string contains a float

The easiest way would be to use built in function is_float(). To test if a variable is a number or a numeric string you must use is_numeric().

function to check if the value is int or float but not string in PHP

is_numeric($value) && !is_string($value)

this is what I was looking for

Checking if a string is a double or not

// Try to convert the string to a float
$floatVal = floatval($num);
// If the parsing succeeded and the value is not equivalent to an int
if($floatVal && intval($floatVal) != $floatVal)
// $num is a float

Need to check to enter only float numbers in php?

You have a couple of options ..

is_float() function

filter_var() function, with the FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT filter as second argument.

floatval() or the (float) cast before your variable name.

The first two will check wether or not it's a float, and the third one will convert whatever you give it to a float. I like to use the filter_var() function as it makes the code clear, and it,s also very useful to verify all sort of things (emails adress, IP adress, URL, etc).

How can i detect if (float)0 == 0 or null in PHP

Using === checks also for the datatype:

$test = round(0, 2); // float(0.00)

if($test === null) // false
if($test === 0) // false
if($test === 0.0) // true
if($test === false) // false

Check if a number has a point

If you mean how to check if $result is float or integer so this is the way

$numberOne = 5;
$numberTwo = 8;
$result = $numberTwo / $numberOne;
echo "No comma!";
echo "Comma!";

Just replace comma and no comma...

Check if number is decimal

You can get most of what you want from is_float, but if you really need to know whether it has a decimal in it, your function above isn't terribly far (albeit the wrong language):

function is_decimal( $val )
return is_numeric( $val ) && floor( $val ) != $val;

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