Uncaught Error: Class 'Composerautoloaderinit' Not Found

Uncaught Error: Class 'ComposerAutoloaderInit' not found

Your autoloader seems to be on an unfit state.

Just regenerate it.

composer dump-autoload

If this doesn't work (although it should), simply remove the whole vendor directory, and run composer install again.

Clearing composer's cache has no effect on this, since this is only the one used by composer to avoid downloading files all over again, not a project level cache.

PHP Uncaught Error: Class not found using composer autoload

I think you need to match your file name to your class name so it should be ExtractLinkCommand.php, otherwise the composer autoloader won't find it.

Composer/Doctrine 2 Class 'ComposerAutoloaderInit...' not found in vendor/autoload.php

You are not supposed to provide that file (you mention that file is taken from a tutorial). This is automatically generated by Composer as part of the update process, and gets also generated during install. The name of the class is dynamically generated, and you will never match the current autoloader class name.

If you somehow committed that file in your own source control, then you should get rid of it. Don't use code that restores that file to a previous state.

Class not found error with PHP Composer Autoload

So as you said, you're posting to a script called CrearCompeticion.php that is located within the public/ directory.

This means that whatever code is present in index.php, including require '../vendor/autoload.php';, is not executed in this case.

So in your case (you said you followed a Laracast but don't seem to be using a Laravel app setup), you'll want to add require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; on top of CrearCompeticion.php as well, which should do the job.

Composer does not recognize Class Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class Not Found

There isn't a BinanceApiContainer class in the global namespace.

use Larislackers\BinanceApi\BinanceApiContainer;

// ...

$bac = new BinanceApiContainer('<your_key>', '<your_secret>');

PHP : Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'abc\abc' not found in demo.php

You can edit your compose.json file and add following

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"abc\\": "",


composer update

and test

check https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#psr-4 for more details

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