PHP Remove Commas from Numeric Strings

PHP remove commas from numeric strings

Not tested, but probably something like if(preg_match("/^[0-9,]+$/", $a)) $a = str_replace(...)

How to remove commas from numeric values in a string with other commas?

You could also use array_map with preg_replace_callback and as the pattern you could use:

  • "\d{1,3} Match " followed by 1-3 digits
  • (?:,\d{3})! Repeat 1+ times matching a comma and 3 digits
  • \.\d{2}" Match a dot and 2 digits followed by "

Regex demo | Php demo

In the callback of preg_replace_callback replace the comma with an empty string and return the match.

For example:

$atm = array(
'26' => '20/08/2099,"ATM CASH WITHDRAWAL (ON-US) ATM CASH WITHDRAWAL (ON-US) EMPEMOM, LAGA ATM 2 LOGO NG 000360585490","",20/08/2018,"5,000","","1,316.01"',
'27' => '27/08/2027,BANK CHARGE 26 SMS CHARGE AND VAT FOR 27TH JUL - 23RD AUG 2018,2803064 028,27/08/2018,109.2,"","1,206.81"'

$atm = array_map(function($x) {
return preg_replace_callback('/"\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+\.\d{2}"/', function($m) {
return str_replace(',', '', $m[0]);
}, $x);
}, $atm);



[26] => 20/08/2099,"ATM CASH WITHDRAWAL (ON-US) ATM CASH WITHDRAWAL (ON-US) EMPEMOM, LAGA ATM 2 LOGO NG 000360585490","",20/08/2018,"5,000","","1316.01"
[27] => 27/08/2027,BANK CHARGE 26 SMS CHARGE AND VAT FOR 27TH JUL - 23RD AUG 2018,2803064 028,27/08/2018,109.2,"","1206.81"

Remove comma from number format without removing decimal point in PHP

You have to assign the output of number_format to the variable:

$value = number_format($value,2);
echo str_replace(",", "", $value);



You can also simply tell number_format not to use a thousands separator:

$value = number_format($value,2,'.','');
echo $value;



Demo on

how to remove comma in numbers and insert to table in laravel

You just replace the marked line with following line

'cost' => (float) str_replace(',', '', $input['cost'][$i]),

How do I remove the last comma from a string using PHP?

You may use the rtrim function. The following code will remove all trailing commas:

rtrim($my_string, ',');

The Second parameter indicates characters to be deleted.

Remove excess commas from string PHP

$string = preg_replace("/,+/", ",", $string);

basically, you use a regex looking for any bunch of commas and replace those with a single comma.
it's really a very basic regular expression. you should learn about those! will help with that very much.

Oh, forgot: to remove commas in front or after, use

$string = trim($string, ",");

Remove non-numeric characters (excluding periods and commas) from a string (i.e. remove all characters except numbers, commas, and periods)

You could use preg_replace to swap out all non-numeric characters and the comma and period/full stop as follows:

$testString = '12.322,11T';
echo preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', $testString);

The pattern can also be expressed as /[^\d,.]+/

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