Best Method for Converting a PHP Array to JavaScript

Best method for converting a PHP array to javascript

Use JSON. see why JSON over XML:

To use json in PHP simply:


echo '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */';
echo 'var train = '.json_encode($array);
echo '/* ]]> */</script>';


the variable train in Javascript will be an object containing properties and arrays based on your PHP variable $array.

To parse or iterate through the train object, you can use for ... in statements for JSON arrays, and directly use for JSON objects.

See this:


$array = array(array('id'=>3,'title'=>'Great2'),array('id'=>5,'title'=>'Great'),array('id'=>1,'title'=>'Great3'))
echo '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */';
echo 'var train = '.json_encode($array);
echo '/* ]]> */</script>';


The output will be:

 var train = [{id:3,title:'Great2'},{id:5,title:'Great'},{id:1,title:'Great3'}];

the variable train becomes an array of objects. [] squrare brackets are arrays, holding more arrays or objects. {} curly braces are objects, they have properties to them.

So to iterate the train variable:

<script type="text/javascript">

var train = [{id:3,title:'Great2'},{id:5,title:'Great'},{id:1,title:'Great3'}];

for(i in train){
var t = train[i]; // get the current element of the Array
alert(; // gets the ID
alert(t.title); // gets the title


Simple! Hope that really helps.

Convert php array to Javascript

Spudley's answer is fine.

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If you don't have PHP 5.2 you can use something like this:

function js_str($s)
return '"' . addcslashes($s, "\0..\37\"\\") . '"';

function js_array($array)
$temp = array_map('js_str', $array);
return '[' . implode(',', $temp) . ']';

echo 'var cities = ', js_array($php_cities_array), ';';

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function

In the following example you have an PHP array, then firstly create a JavaScript array by a PHP array:

<script type="javascript">
day = new Array(<?php echo implode(',', $day); ?>);
week = new Array(<?php echo implode(',',$week); ?>);
month = new Array(<?php echo implode(',',$month); ?>);

<!-- Then pass it to the JavaScript function: -->

drawChart(<?php echo count($day); ?>, day, week, month);

How do I convert php array of array into js array with using .map to reformat

Thank you everyone for your input... It turns out my array coming out of PHP was not an array, but a string that looked like an array... I would like to take credit for this solution, but I was schooled by an awesome architect I know, and he gave me a single line to solve this. All the code you guys provided worked, except my original array was broken so it wasn't a complete fix. Here is the answer.

var myFences = Array.from(<?php echo json_encode($fences)?>).map(e => eval(e).map(p => ({lat:p[0],lng:p[1]})));


This returns a properly formatted array that I can use to create the right output.

Convert PHP array for use in Javascript

something like this should convert your data to the format you are expecting in js:

$newData = array();
foreach($data as $city=>$values){
$newData[] = array('name'=>$city,'data'=>$values)

echo json_encode($newData);

How to convert php array into javascript array to use with the Jquery UI datepicker?

you can use $.parseJSON function.

<script type="text/javascript">
var unavailabledates = $.parseJSON('<?php echo json_encode($disablethese); ?>');
<script src="js/datepicker-admin.js"></script>

convert php associative array into javascript object

You can use json_encode() to make array as an json object like,

var words = <?php echo json_encode($wordsArray) ?>;// don't use quotes
$.each(words, function(key, value) {
console.log('stuff : ' + key + ", " + value);

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