Read the Longest String from an Array in PHP 5.3

Read the longest string from an array in PHP 5.3

$lengths = array_map('strlen', $DatabaseArray);
$maxLength = max($lengths);
$index = array_search($maxLength, $lengths);
echo $DatabaseArray[$index];

PHP Get Longest String in Array without loop

You could sort the strings by length using for example usort and get the first item using reset.

$array = array(

usort($array, function ($a, $b) {
return strlen($a) < strlen($b);

echo reset($array); // Facebook

If there could be more strings with equal length, you could use a foreach and break out of the loop when the length is not equal to the current length of the item to prevent looping the whole list.

$item = reset($array);
$result = [];

if ($item) {
$len = strlen($item);
foreach($array as $value) {
if (strlen($value) === $len) {
$result[] = $value;



[0] => Facebook
[1] => Test1112

Php demo

PHP shortest/longest string length in array

Seems like you should use an array_map()

  // Convert array to an array of string lengths
$lengths = array_map('strlen', $data);

// Show min and max string length
echo "The shortest is " . min($lengths) .
". The longest is " . max($lengths);

Note that the $lengths array is unsorted, so you can easily retrieve the corresponding number for each string length.

I just started learning PHP. How to find and print the longest word in a PHP array

$array =array("AB","ABC","ABCD","ABCDE","BD");

$longstring = $array[0];
foreach( $array as $string ) {
if ( strlen( $string ) > strlen( $longstring ) ) {
$longstring = $string;

echo $longstring;

I just started learning PHP. How to find and print the longest word in a PHP array

$array =array("AB","ABC","ABCD","ABCDE","BD");

$longstring = $array[0];
foreach( $array as $string ) {
if ( strlen( $string ) > strlen( $longstring ) ) {
$longstring = $string;

echo $longstring;

Php associative array sort and get key with highest length

You can use array_keys and pass a second parameter to filter the returned keys to only include the max ones. You can then find the longest key by using array_reduce and a function that checks the lengths of the strings and throws out the shortest one, like so:

$array = array(
'abc' => 10,
'def' => 8,
'fff' => 3,
'abcr' => 10,
'adsfefs' => 10

$keys = array_keys($array, max($array));
$longestKey = array_reduce($keys, function ($a, $b) { return strlen($a) > strlen($b) ? $a : $b; });


Be aware that if there are two or more strings that are the same length, it will return the last one.

Longest word in a string

Loop through the words of the string, keeping track of the longest word so far:

$string = "Where did the big Elephant go?";
$words = explode(' ', $string);

$longestWordLength = 0;
$longestWord = '';

foreach ($words as $word) {
if (strlen($word) > $longestWordLength) {
$longestWordLength = strlen($word);
$longestWord = $word;

echo $longestWord;
// Outputs: "Elephant"

Can be made a little more efficient, but you get the idea.

PHP: Sort an array by the length of its values?


with this custom function

function sort($a,$b){
return strlen($b)-strlen($a);


Use uasort if you want to keep the old indexes, use usort if you don't care.

Also, I believe that my version is better because usort is an unstable sort.

$array = array("bbbbb", "dog", "cat", "aaa", "aaaa");
// mine
[0] => bbbbb
[1] => aaaa
[2] => aaa
[3] => cat
[4] => dog

// others
[0] => bbbbb
[1] => aaaa
[2] => dog
[3] => aaa
[4] => cat

Is there a way to find out how deep a PHP array is?

This should do it:


function array_depth(array $array) {
$max_depth = 1;

foreach ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$depth = array_depth($value) + 1;

if ($depth > $max_depth) {
$max_depth = $depth;

return $max_depth;


Edit: Tested it very quickly and it appears to work.

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