Escaping Curl @ Symbol with PHP

Escaping CURL @ symbol with PHP

Use http_build_query() on your data-array first before passing it to curl_setopt(), that will lead to it sending the form as application/x-www-form-encoded instead of multipart/form-data (and thus the @ is not interpreted).

Also why do you really care about the @ in an email-address? It only matters if the @ is the first character, not somewhere in the middle.

How to pass data containing special characters through curl

Check the following code. I tested it in my local system. In my www director I created a folder named "test" for keeping the code. Then I created 2 files in that "test" folder. One file for sending the request and one for processing the request.

1. curl.php

function datPostingCURL($url, $data_string)
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return $result;
$url = "http://localhost/test/curl_post.php";

$communication_data_string = 'token='.json_encode(array(
"userID"=> 10,
"message_area_name"=>base64_encode("hai ..this is my test data .!@##$%$%%*)++")

echo(datPostingCURL($url, $communication_data_string));

2. curl_post.php


$details = json_decode($_POST['token']); var_dump($details);
echo base64_decode($details->message_area_name);

Note : While using special characters you should encode that string. I tried to convert it with htmlspecialchars(). But it didn't worked. So I used base64 encoding method here.

How to include an '&' character in a bash curl statement

Putting single quotes around the & symbol seems to work. That is, using a URL like${i}'&'arg2=${j} with curl returns the requested webpage.

CURL escape single quote

I had the same problem. The simplest solution is to escape the apostrophe with a backslash in addition to wrapping it in a set of single quotes. '\''

For your use case, change Mary's to Mary'\''s and it should work.

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9290/location/place' -d '{"geoloc": {"lat": "38.1899", "lon": "-76.5087"}, "longitude": "-76.5087", "admin_name1": "Maryland", "admin_name2": "St. Mary'\''s", "admin_name3": "", "postal_code": "20692", "admin_code3": "", "country_code": "US", "admin_code1": "MD", "latitude": "38.1899", "admin_code2": "037", "accuracy": null, "place_name": "Valley Lee"}'

An alternate approach is to wrap the POST data (-d) in double quotes while escaping all nested occurrences of double quotes in the JSON string with a backslash.

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9290/location/place' -d "{\"geoloc\": {\"lat\": \"38.1899\", \"lon\": \"-76.5087\"}, \"longitude\": \"-76.5087\", \"admin_name1\": \"Maryland\", \"admin_name2\": \"St. Mary's\", \"admin_name3\": \"\", \"postal_code\": \"20692\", \"admin_code3\": \"\", \"country_code\": \"US\", \"admin_code1\": \"MD\", \"latitude\": \"38.1899\", \"admin_code2\": \"037\", \"accuracy\": null, \"place_name\": \"Valley Lee\"}"

Strange â character in curl dom utf8 htmlspecialchars not working

The character detects as UTF-8 and seems fine, I'm seeing similar issues to what you describe though.

While this is not a perfect answer it is a work-around.

You can simply replace those characters (and other specific characters) before using the string.


This would replace the left and right quote with just a quote, the left and right double quote with just a double quote, and the hyphen, dash and ellipse characters with matching symbols.

Special characters like @ and & in cURL POST data

cURL > 7.18.0 has an option --data-urlencode which solves this problem. Using this, I can simply send a POST request as

curl -d name=john --data-urlencode passwd=@31&3*J

Summarizing the comments, in case of mixed "good" and "bad" data and exclamation marks inside we can use on Windows:

curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=super-client&acr_values=tenant:TNT123" --data-urlencode "client_secret=XxYyZ21D8E&%fhB6kq^mXQDovSZ%Q*!ipINme"

Using CURL in PHP to post text data starting with @

Could you use percent encoding instead? That way your '@' symbols would be %40 and CURL won't mess with them. We usually percent encode all our post fields.

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