Sqlstate[42000]: Syntax Error or Access Violation: 1064 You Have an Error in Your SQL Syntax - PHP - Pdo

PHP PDO Syntax error or access violation: 1064 on insert

Encapsulate your field names in backticks (`), desc is a reserved word.

$sth = $this->getLink()->prepare( "INSERT INTO `boards` (`id`,`memberid`,`name`,`desc`,`datecreated`,`isactive`) 
VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)" );

Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax. . Problem in the .env or PDO?

In your query you have an extra comma before FROM

Correct Query:

em.name as event_manager_name,
DATE_FORMAT(datetime,'%d-%m-%Y') as date,
DATE_FORMAT(datetime,'%H:%i') as time,
e.maximum_amount_of_guests as guests
FROM event e
LEFT JOIN event_manager em ON (em.id = e.event_manager_id)

Error in your query:

You have an issue here:

e.maximum_amount_of_guests as guests, // this will generate error
FROM event e

1064 clearly show you, you have an issue in your query not .env file.

Server Error Reference:

PDOException' Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check

order is a reserved keyword. You should add backticks ` around it to use it:

$query1 = "INSERT INTO `order` (order_details, order_address, cust_id, cust_name, delivery_type, paid) 
$sql = $conn->prepare($query1);

See also : Keywords and Reserved Words

Warning: PDO::prepare(): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 when update

(Unfortunately) you can't use parameters for your tablename in your prepared statement. You can only use those for data literals. So UPDATE :surveytable is invalid.

As per manual:

Parameter markers can represent a complete data literal only. Neither
part of literal, nor keyword, nor identifier, nor whatever arbitrary
query part can be bound using parameters.

When you (completely!!!) trust your source of $tablesnames, use

'UPDATE `' . $tablesnames[i]` . '` SET `postrecords`=:newrecord WHERE `id`=:id'


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax

SIGNAL is a reserved word. It's best to avoid it, but you can use it if you wrap it in backticks.

$req = 'UPDATE Comments SET `signal` = TRUE WHERE idComments = :comment';

(MySQL reserved words)

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error

SELECT id,pass,en_b_y,en_b_m,en_b_d,sqa1,sqa2,sqa3 FROM 
appleid AS appleid1
WHERE num>=$head ORDER BY `TimeStamp`
DESC LIMIT $this->apple_id_num ;

put your limit after orderby

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