Print the Keys of an Array

Print the keys of an array

You can use PHP's array_keys function to grab the keys, like so:

foreach(array_keys($parameters) as $paramName)
echo $paramName . "<br>";

Or, you can run through the array using a special foreach which allows you to separate the key and value for every element, like so:

foreach($parameters as $paramName => $value)
echo $paramName . "<br>";

Also, make sure that you are using a "string" (with quotes) or integer (like 1337) as your key, like so:

$parameters["day"] = 1;
$parameters["month"] = 8;
$parameters["year"] = 2010;

OR if you want to get fancier:

$parameters = array(
"day" => 1,
"month" => 8,
"year" => 2010

Your code should look like:

$parameters = array(
"day" => 1,
"month" => 8,
"year" => 2010
foreach($parameters as $paramName => $paramValue)
echo $paramName . "<br>";

How to print array element with keys & values in PHP?

In the nested foreach you have to iterate over the $value which holds the array.

foreach ( $marks as $key => $value) {
foreach ( $value as $key2 => $value2 ) {
// -------^^^^^^-------
echo $key . " : " . $key2 . " - " . $value2 . "<br>";

How to print key and value of an array of objects

Try something like this:

const array = [{
key: '1',
value: 'value-1'
}, {
key: '2',
value: 'value-2'
const text = => `<span class="${x.key}">${x.value}</span><br>`).join("");
const element = document.querySelector('#log');
element.innerHTML = text;
<div id="log"></div>

PHP: How do I print the key from array only once and every value for each item?

So, I suppose, your data looks kind of like this?

$result = (object)[];

$result->devices = [
['deviceId' => 1, 'description' => 'desc1', 'status' => 'status14'],
['deviceId' => 2, 'description' => 'desc2', 'status' => 'status15'],
['deviceId' => 3, 'description' => 'desc3', 'status' => 'status16'],
['deviceId' => 4, 'description' => 'desc2', 'status' => 'status17'],

Then to create a CSV file from it I would go like this:

$fp = fopen('csv.csv', 'w+');

foreach($result->devices as $i => $device)
// First row? Write headers (keys) first!
if($i == 0) fputcsv($fp, array_keys($device));

// Write data rows
fputcsv($fp, array_values($device));

This way, you will get this:


Is this what you need?

Print with key and value from array of objects

Given the array you have, you simply need to loop through it:

var arr = [





arr.forEach(function(obj) {

console.log('name: ' +;

console.log('password: ' + obj.password);


in twig how to print out keys and values of an array

Your filters variable is an array of arrays, so you need to do something like:

{% for filter in filters %}
{% for key, value in filter %}
{{ key }} : {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

How to print out the keys of an array like $_POST in PHP?




You might insert a pre tag before and after for the clearer output in your browser:

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

And I suggest to use Xdebug. It provides an enchanted var_dump that works without pre's as well.

Bash - to print keys and values from a variable

test is a normal variable and doesn't store any reference to the array. In your case writing $!test is the same as writing ${someUndefinedVariable}test (see ✱). The undefined variable will expand to the empty string. test is a literal string.

To print the keys and values, you have to iterate over the keys and retrieve the corresponding values manually:

declare -A array
for key in "${!array[@]}"; do
echo "key=$key, value=${array[$key]}"

By the way, I'm suprised your command even ran without an error; a closing " is missing. You cannot nest quotation marks. After the first " the second " will end quotation:

|quoted|       |quoted   |started quote without end -->
| | | | |
"Hello "$!test "$test" Hi"
| | | |
|unquoted |unquoted

$! is actually a special variable that contains the process number of the last background command. Since you did not start any background commands in your session $! is empty.

Print array key without value

You can get the size key like this:

for(let i=0; i<elements.length;i++)
console.log("***" + elements[i].name + "***");
console.log(Object.keys(elements)[4] + ":" + elements[i].size);

But this will work when the size key is always on the 4th index as it is in your elements object

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