Getting Time Difference Between Two Times in PHP

Getting time difference between two times in PHP

You can use strtotime() for time calculation. Here is an example:

$checkTime = strtotime('09:00:59');
echo 'Check Time : '.date('H:i:s', $checkTime);
echo '<hr>';

$loginTime = strtotime('09:01:00');
$diff = $checkTime - $loginTime;
echo 'Login Time : '.date('H:i:s', $loginTime).'<br>';
echo ($diff < 0)? 'Late!' : 'Right time!'; echo '<br>';
echo 'Time diff in sec: '.abs($diff);

echo '<hr>';

$loginTime = strtotime('09:00:59');
$diff = $checkTime - $loginTime;
echo 'Login Time : '.date('H:i:s', $loginTime).'<br>';
echo ($diff < 0)? 'Late!' : 'Right time!';

echo '<hr>';

$loginTime = strtotime('09:00:00');
$diff = $checkTime - $loginTime;
echo 'Login Time : '.date('H:i:s', $loginTime).'<br>';
echo ($diff < 0)? 'Late!' : 'Right time!';


Check the already-asked question - how to get time difference in minutes:

Subtract the past-most one from the future-most one and divide by 60.

Times are done in unix format so they're just a big number showing the
number of seconds from January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Calculate difference (in hours) between two times in PHP

You can try my code

$time1 = strtotime('08:00:00');
$time2 = strtotime('09:30:00');
$difference = round(abs($time2 - $time1) / 3600,2);
echo $difference;

Note: The code above will round to minutes.

PHP difference between two times

Substring at the first colon to remove the label, then use the remaining time stamp for parsing and subtracting.

Use PHP's strtotime method to convert the times as strings into longs, then subtract the two to find the difference in seconds. You'll have a number at this point, which you can then do whatever with.

$datetime1 = substr($datetime1, strpos($datetime1, ":"));
$time1 = strtotime($datetime1);

You can then use the date method to convert the time difference into a new string for outputting.



How to get time difference in minutes in PHP

Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.

Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT

how to count the difference between the two time in php and show it

You can create DateTime instances and use diff function to get the difference between 2 times. You can then format them in hours,minutes and seconds.


$hour1 = '12:00:00';
$hour2 = '09:00:00';

$o1 = new DateTime($hour1);
$o2 = new DateTime($hour2);

$diff = $o1->diff($o2,true); // to make the difference to be always positive.

echo $diff->format('%H:%I:%S');


How to get the SHORTEST difference between two times in PHP?

(This assumes your inputs are just times and not timestamps.)

If your result is greater than 12 hours, then just subtract it from 24:

if ($result > 720) {
$result = 1440 - $result;

You might want to change the > to >= depending on which side you want ties to fall on.

Calculate difference between 2 times in hours in PHP

Convert them both to timestamp values, and then subtract to get the difference in seconds.

$ts1 = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', '02/01/2013 08:24'));
$ts2 = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', '31/12/2012 13:46'));
$diff = abs($ts1 - $ts2) / 3600;

How do I find the hour difference between two dates in PHP?

You can convert them to timestamps and go from there:

$hourdiff = round((strtotime($time1) - strtotime($time2))/3600, 1);

Dividing by 3600 because there are 3600 seconds in one hour and using round() to avoid having a lot of decimal places.

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