PHP Looping Through Multiple Arrays

php looping through multiple arrays

If they have the same keys you can just loop through the keys and use them to index the arrays using array_keys:

foreach(array_keys($array_one) as $key) {
// do something with $array_one[$key] and $array_two[$key]

If you're worried about some keys not existing you can try (e.g.) array_key_exists($key,$array_two).

Two arrays in foreach loop

foreach( $codes as $code and $names as $name ) { }

That is not valid.

You probably want something like this...

foreach( $codes as $index => $code ) {
echo '<option value="' . $code . '">' . $names[$index] . '</option>';

Alternatively, it'd be much easier to make the codes the key of your $names array...

$names = array(
'tn' => 'Tunisia',
'us' => 'United States',

How can I loop through two arrays at once?


Well the problem is of course your nested foreach loop. Because for each element of your $data1 array you loop through the entire $data2 array (So in total there are $data1 * $data2 iterations).


To solve this you have to loop through both arrays at once.

array_map() method (PHP >=5.3)

You can do this with array_map() and pass all arrays to it which you want to loop through at the same time.

array_map(function($v1, $v2){
echo $v1 . "<br>";
echo $v2 . "<br><br>";
}, $data1, $data2 /* , Add more arrays if needed manually */);

Note: If the amount of elements are uneven you won't gen any errors, it will just print NULL (Means you won't see anything)

MultipleIterator method (PHP >=5.3)

Use a MultipleIterator and attach as many ArrayIterator as you need.

$it = new MultipleIterator();
$it->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($data1));
$it->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($data2));
//Add more arrays if needed

foreach($it as $a) {
echo $a[0] . "<br>";
echo $a[1] . "<br><br>";

Note: If the amount of elements are uneven it will just print all values where both arrays still have values

for loop method (PHP >=4.3)

Use a for loop with a counter variable, which you can use as key for both arrays.

$keysOne = array_keys($data1);
$keysTwo = array_keys($data2);

$min = min(count($data1), count($data2));

for($i = 0; $i < $min; $i++) {
echo $data1[$keysOne[$i]] . "<br>";
echo $data2[$keysTwo[$i]] . "<br><br>";

Note: Using array_keys() is just so that this also works if the arrays don't have the same keys or are associative. min() is used to only loop through as many elements as every array has

array_combine() method (PHP >=5.0)

Or if the arrays only have unique values, you can array_combine() both arrays, so that $data1 can be accessed as key and $data2 as value.

foreach(array_combine($data1, $data2) as $d1 => $d2) {
echo $d1 . "<br>";
echo $d2 . "<br><br>";

Note: The arrays must have the same amount of elements, otherwise array_combine() will throw an error

call_user_func_array() method (PHP >=5.6)

If you want to print more than 2 arrays at the same time or just an unknown amount of arrays, you can combine the array_map() method with a call_user_func_array() call.

$func = function(...$numbers){
foreach($numbers as $v)
echo $v . "<br>";
echo "<br>";
call_user_func_array("array_map", [$func, $data1, $data2]);

Note: Since this kinda uses the array_map() method, it behaves the same with uneven amount of elements. Also since this method only works for PHP >=5.6 you can just remove the arguments and change out $numbers with func_get_args() in the foreach loop and then it also works for PHP >=5.3

How can I iterate through two arrays at the same time without re-iterating through the parent loop?

Use a normal for loop instead of a foreach, so that you get an explicit loop counter:

for($i=0; $i<count($content)-1; $i++) {
echo $content[$i].'-'.$contentb[$i];

If you want to use string based indexed arrays, and know that the string indexes are equal between arrays, you can stick with the foreach construct

foreach($content as $key=>$item) {
echo $item.'-'.$contentb[$key];

How to loop through array of multiple arrays in php

Use the indexes of one of the sub-arrays to access all the other sub-arrays:

foreach ($array['item_id'] as $i => $item_id) {
$request_explanation = $array['request_explanation'][$i];
$quantity = $array['quantity'][$i];
// repeat this for all the columns
// Now you can insert all these variables into the database

How to loop through multiple arrays at the same time (parallel)

Since you said that all arrays match by their keys, I will assume you have something like this:

$article_ids = [10, 22, 13];
$article_descriptions = ["this is one", "this is two", "this is three"];
$article_amounts = [20, 10, 40];

Therefore in order to obtain their information in an orderly manner, you would first need to found how many elements there are. We can use the total of the first array, by using count(), then using a for loop to iterate and obtain each array's information.

//get the number of articles
$num = count($article_ids);

//iterate through each article count
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++){
echo 'Article id: '.$article_ids[$i].'<br>';
echo 'Article description: '.$article_descriptions[$i].'<br>';
echo 'Article amount: '.$article_amounts[$i] .'<br>';

Create multiple arrays in foreach loop php

Correct me if I got it wrong.

Do you want to do something like this:

function cart_items_array() { 

$cartinfo = array();

$carts2 = MultiCart\get_carts();

// All the products
$allTheCarts = array();

foreach ( $carts2 as $cart2_id => $cart2 ) {
// get array of items contained in a cart ...
$items2 = MultiCart\get_cart( $cart_id2 );

foreach ( $items2 as $item2_id => $item2 ) {
$compProduct = array();
$product_name = get_post($item2['product_id'])->post_title;
$familyterms = wp_get_post_terms( $item2['product_id'], 'pa_product-family');
$cat_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $item2['product_id'], 'pa_product-category');
$product_sku = get_post_meta( $item2['product_id'], '_sku', true );

$cartinfo[] = $product_sku;
foreach ($cat_terms as $cat_term) { $cartinfo[] = $cat_term->name; };
foreach ($familyterms as $family) { $cartinfo[] = $family->name; };
$cartinfo[] = $product_name;
$cartinfo[] = $item2['quantity'];
$cartinfo[] = $cart2['name'];

// Store the complete product info
$allTheCarts[] = $cartinfo;

return $allTheCarts;

Printing multiple array items in one loop PHP

use a foreach loop and a counter

foreach($PriceArray as $val){

$StatusArrayVal = $StatusArray[$i];

echo each row
your code


you will have one value in the $val variable and other in $StatusArrayVal
you can echo all the html code or set between tags <? ? >

Calculations multiple arrays in foreach loop?

As CBroe stated in the comments, you can just use the key/index in the foreach loop to create the sum

$data = [
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 93.42,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 93.12,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 89.92,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 89.70,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',

foreach($data as $index => $value) {
if (!isset($data[$index+1])) continue;
echo $data[$index+1]['indexname3'] - $data[$index]['indexname3'].'<br />';


Looping through 3 arrays at the same time php

So we will loop N times and pick out a rand value from each array you have

$length = 32; //length of random password
$a1 = str_split('0123456789'); // convert to array
$a2 = str_split('%^*+~?!'); //convert to array
$a3 = str_split('abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); // convert to array

$result = ""; //final random password

for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
//choose random array from the three a1, a2, a3
//then choose random value from the chosen array
// note: array_rand is a built-in PHP function
// that accepts an array as the first parameter
// and number of random elements to pick out
// as a second optional parameter that defaults to 1
$values = [$a1,$a2,$a3];
$chosen = array_rand($values);

$result .= $values[$chosen][array_rand($values[$chosen])];
//print the result out
echo $result;


I hope this will help!

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