Post Ajax Data to PHP and Return Data

How to return data from PHP to a jQuery ajax call

I figured it out. Need to use echo in PHP instead of return.

$output = some_function();
echo $output;

And the jQ:

success: function(data) {

Returning data from Ajax to PHP

I would suggest a JSON-answer from your PHP-backend, something like:

"filename": "my_image.jpg",
"message": "Image uploaded!",
"success": true

Which would be something like:

define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/');
$img = $_POST['base64image'];
$img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR .date("d-m-Y")."_".uniqid(). '.jpg';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);

$cliente_foto_webcam = $file;

if ($success) {
echo json_encode([
"filename" => $cliente_foto_webcam,
"message" => "Image uploaded!",
"success" => true
} else {
echo json_encode([
"filename" => null,
"message" => "Couldn't upload image",
"success" => false

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

For retrieving data using Ajax + jQuery, you should write the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"> </script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

$("#display").click(function() {

$.ajax({ //create an ajax request to display.php
type: "GET",
url: "display.php",
dataType: "html", //expect html to be returned
success: function(response){



<h3 align="center">Manage Student Details</h3>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td> <input type="button" id="display" value="Display All Data" /> </td>
<div id="responsecontainer" align="center">


For mysqli connection, write this:


For displaying the data from database, you should write this :

$result=mysqli_query("select * from student",$con);

echo "<table border='1' >
<td align=center> <b>Roll No</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Name</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Address</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Stream</b></td></td>
<td align=center><b>Status</b></td>";

while($data = mysqli_fetch_row($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=center>$data[0]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$data[1]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$data[2]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$data[3]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$data[4]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

post ajax data to PHP and return data

type: "POST",
data: {data:the_id},
url: "http://localhost/test/index.php/data/count_votes",
success: function(data){
//data will contain the vote count echoed by the controller i.e.
//then append the result where ever you want like
$("span#votes_number").html(data); //data will be containing the vote count which you have echoed from the controller


in the controller

$data = $_POST['data'];  //$data will contain the_id
//do some processing
echo "yourVoteCount";


i think you are confusing




both the data are different for your own clarity sake you can modify it as


jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP

Basic usage of .ajax would look something like this:


<form id="foo">
<label for="bar">A bar</label>
<input id="bar" name="bar" type="text" value="" />

<input type="submit" value="Send" />


// Variable to hold request
var request;

// Bind to the submit event of our form

// Prevent default posting of form - put here to work in case of errors

// Abort any pending request
if (request) {
// setup some local variables
var $form = $(this);

// Let's select and cache all the fields
var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");

// Serialize the data in the form
var serializedData = $form.serialize();

// Let's disable the inputs for the duration of the Ajax request.
// Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
// Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
$inputs.prop("disabled", true);

// Fire off the request to /form.php
request = $.ajax({
url: "/form.php",
type: "post",
data: serializedData

// Callback handler that will be called on success
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
// Log a message to the console
console.log("Hooray, it worked!");

// Callback handler that will be called on failure (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
// Log the error to the console
"The following error occurred: "+
textStatus, errorThrown

// Callback handler that will be called regardless
// if the request failed or succeeded
request.always(function () {
// Reenable the inputs
$inputs.prop("disabled", false);


Note: Since jQuery 1.8, .success(), .error() and .complete() are deprecated in favor of .done(), .fail() and .always().

Note: Remember that the above snippet has to be done after DOM ready, so you should put it inside a $(document).ready() handler (or use the $() shorthand).

Tip: You can chain the callback handlers like this: $.ajax().done().fail().always();

PHP (that is, form.php):

// You can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax
// through the global variable $_POST, like this:
$bar = isset($_POST['bar']) ? $_POST['bar'] : null;

Note: Always sanitize posted data, to prevent injections and other malicious code.

You could also use the shorthand .post in place of .ajax in the above JavaScript code:

$.post('/form.php', serializedData, function(response) {
// Log the response to the console
console.log("Response: "+response);

Note: The above JavaScript code is made to work with jQuery 1.8 and later, but it should work with previous versions down to jQuery 1.5.

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