PHP Get String Between Tags

Php get string between tags

If you must use a regular expression, the following will do the trick.

$str = 'foo {Vimeo}123456789{/Vimeo} bar';
preg_match('~{Vimeo}([^{]*){/Vimeo}~i', $str, $match);
var_dump($match[1]); // string(9) "123456789"

This may be more than what you want to go through, but here is a way to avoid regex.

$str = 'foo {Vimeo}123456789{/Vimeo} bar';
$m = substr($str, strpos($str, '{Vimeo}')+7);
$m = substr($m, 0, strpos($m, '{/Vimeo}'));
var_dump($m); // string(9) "123456789"

PHP get string between tag [Multiple tag in one string]

You can simply use preg_match_all function of the PHP along with following regex


like as

$my_string = "I am with a [id]123[/id] and [id]456[/id]";

Get ALL content between two tags in a string

Here is a function I've written some months ago for exactly this issue. You'd have to call the function several times with the offset according to the returned $pos in order to get all accurances. I hope that's acceptable.

/* getSubstring
returns a substring between string_before and string_after,
starts to search at the offset. character of source
returns an array: ['text'] = string found
['pos'] = starting position of string_before within source
returns text = '' and pos = false if string is not found
example: $key = get_substring('12345here67890', '12345','67890')[0];

function getSubstring($source, $string_before, $string_after, $offset = 0, $includeEnvelope = false) {
if (strlen($source)<$offset)
return(array('text' => '', 'pos' => false)); // kind of silly, but prevents an 'Offset not contained in string' warning
$pos1 = strpos($source, $string_before, $offset);
$sb_len = strlen($string_before);
if ($pos1===false) {
$result = '';
else {
$pos2 = strpos($source, $string_after, $pos1 + strlen($string_before));
if ($pos2===false) {
$result = '';
$pos1 = false;
else {
$result = substr($source, $pos1 + $sb_len, $pos2 - $pos1 - $sb_len);
if ($includeEnvelope)
$result = $string_before.$result.$string_after;
return (array('text' => $result, 'pos' => $pos1));

How do I get text containing a certain string between tags

Your pattern contains [^\n]* that matches any 0+ chars other than newlines, and that makes the regex engine match across any & chars greedily and find the last & on the line.

You may use


Then, grab Group 1 value. See the regex demo.


  • & - a & char
  • ([^&]*?thistext[^&]*) - Capturing group 1:

    • [^&]*? - any 0+ chars other than &, as few as possible
    • thistext - literal text
    • [^&]* - any 0+ chars other than &, as many as possible
  • & - a & char

PHP demo:

$str = 'thisip4:isatextexample&ineed.thistext&TXT:&andthis.idontneed&txt:&test.thistext&';
if (preg_match_all('~&([^&]*?thistext[^&]*)&~', $str, $m)) {
// => Array ( [0] => ineed.thistext [1] => test.thistext )

Regular expression to get string between tags with or without id attribute

You can simply use below regex


Over here

`<li.*?>` here `(.*)` is to capture all attributes of `li` and `?` is to if no attributes is defined or not even space count also

As both has different li structure

You can check it


Note: For HTML/XML parsing don't go for regex you can simply use DOMDocument for same

How to get a substring between two strings in PHP?

If the strings are different (ie: [foo] & [/foo]), take a look at this post from Justin Cook.
I copy his code below:

function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){
$string = ' ' . $string;
$ini = strpos($string, $start);
if ($ini == 0) return '';
$ini += strlen($start);
$len = strpos($string, $end, $ini) - $ini;
return substr($string, $ini, $len);

$fullstring = 'this is my [tag]dog[/tag]';
$parsed = get_string_between($fullstring, '[tag]', '[/tag]');

echo $parsed; // (result = dog)

PHP Regex find text between custom added HTML Tags

Assuming <PRODUCT_LIST> tags will never be nested

preg_match_all('/<PRODUCT_LIST>(.*?)<\/PRODUCT_LIST>/s', $html, $matches);

//HTML array in $matches[1]

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