Extension PHP5 Does Not Parse in Xampp

Extension PHP5 does not parse in XAMPP

XAMPP passes by default files with the following extensions to PHP: .php .php5 .php4 .php3 .phtml .phpt (this was tested with XAMPP Lite 1.6.8).

My suggestion would be to remove the "AddType text/html .php5" line from the XAMPP configuration. Alternatively, use a clean install of XAMPP and look at the differences (with something like WinMerge).

XAMPP not parsing PHP

I think you might be using short tag <? ?> or <?= ?> instead of <?php ?>.

Check your php.ini. It locates at \path\to\xampp\php\php.ini. The short_open_tag should be On.

; Allow the <? tag. Otherwise, only <?php and <script> tags are recognized.

; NOTE: Using short tags should be avoided when developing applications or

; libraries that are meant for redistribution, or deployment on PHP

; servers which are not under your control, because short tags may not

; be supported on the target server. For portable,redistributable code, be sure not to use short tags.

short_open_tag = On

html and php syntax in the same file not working xampp configuration

Not sure what the issue was. But I uninstalled xampp & installed it again. It is working fine now.

xampp - php not being interpreted when part of an html file

Assuming you've got xampp installed in the root of C (the default location)...

I wouldn't really recommend it as it adds an unnecessary overhead on actual HTML files but you can do it ... in C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf you should see something that looks like:

# PHP-Module setup
LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/xampp/php/php5apache2_4.dll"

<FilesMatch "\.php$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
<FilesMatch "\.phps$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

You can tell Apache to treat .html files as PHP by adding a new FilesMatch directive:

<FilesMatch "\.html$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Or you can do it by adding an .htaccess file into your document root that contains something like AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html

There are much better ways to do it though, use RESTful URLs for instance (and thereby avoid having the file-type even hinted at) and keep all your PHP files as .php - but you'll probably need to get into the dark arts of Apache mod_rewrite for that.

php windows server 2012 how to show loaded extension

Create a file in htdocs folder with this content, then access it by browser

echo '<pre>';




[0] => Core
[1] => bcmath
[2] => calendar
[3] => ctype
[4] => date
[5] => ereg
[6] => filter
[7] => ftp
[8] => hash
[9] => iconv
[10] => json
[11] => mcrypt
[12] => SPL

Accessing by command line

At keyboard press winkey + break/pause, go on advanced settings, then create a new environment variable with name PHP_HOME value must be the php path, after this edit the variable path, put the cursor at end and add ;%PHP_HOME%; confirm all operations, open a new cmd, try php -v

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