Echo a Multi Dimensional Array

Echo a multidimensional array in PHP

It looks like you're only trying to write one important value from each array. Try a recursive function like so:

function RecursiveWrite($array) {
foreach ($array as $vals) {
echo $vals['comment_content'] . "\n";

You could also make it a little more dynamic and have the 'comment_content' and 'child' strings passed into the function as parameters (and continue passing them in the recursive call).

how to echo multidimensional array in php

If you're just debugging:


If you want to print it:

foreach($gplus as $array){
foreach($array as $key=>$value){
echo "Key: $key / Value: $value<br />";

PHP - How to echo Value from Multidimensional Array

Previously every string without quotes was treated like string if there was no Constant defined under this name, but from PHP 7.2 now issues error of level E_WARNING. Why is $foo[bar] wrong?

PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant test - assumed 'test' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)

In this example list is treated as construct list(). Using bare strings in associative arrays as keys is deprecated and should be avoided.

Correct way is to call it with quotes (single or double):

echo $request['SUCCESS'][0]['LIST'];
echo $request['SUCCESS'][0]['LIST']['credit'];

PHP Echo specific column multi dimensional array

This should work for you:

$test = array(
array("hoge", "bomen", "vangen"),
array("moeten", "we", "rekening"),
array("voor", "deze", "tijd")

//vv Go trough each innerArray
foreach($test as $v)
echo $v[1] . "<br />";
//^^^^^ Print the second element of each innerArray



Also for more information about arrays see the manual: (The manual is always a good reference to search for things and learn it :D)

How do I echo multidimensional array values by table rows instead of columns in php

$array = Array (
Array (
Array (
Array (

function combine($array) {
array_unshift($array, null);
return call_user_func_array('array_map', $array);

$array = combine($array);
<table border="1">
<?php foreach($array as $row): ?>
<?php endforeach ?>


Echo a multi dimensional array

$promodplist = $data['promod']['players'];
foreach($promodplist as $k => $v)

Should do what you want. foreach iterates through the key/value pairs in the array, where $k is the element's key (a 0-based index, in your case) and $v is the value (an array of player data, for you). You can access the rest of the information by using its name as the key in the array accessor.

How to put multidimensional arrays double quoted strings?

You should enclose more complicated structures in curly braces:

echo "he is {$twoDimArr['family'][1]}";

Print Multi-dimensional array using loop in PHP

you have associative array inside associative array
You have to loop the first associative array
and inside it loop the associative array
like this

foreach($bazar as $key => $val){

echo $key.'<br>';

foreach($val as $k => $v){
echo $k . ' -> ' .$v . '<br>';


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