Mail(): Smtp Server Response: 550 the Address Is Not Valid Error on Hmailserver

Sending mail to local mail server - SENT: 550 The address is not valid.

To solve SENT: 550550 The address is not valid. problem, you have to set sendmail_from to a valid mail address in php.ini file.

To solve SENT: 530 SMTP authentication is required problem, open hMailServer Administrator. Go to Settings->Advanced->IP Ranges->My Compter. Disable all options under "Require SMTP authentication" section.

hmailserver error- the connection to the database is not available

You need to put the libmysql.dll in the C:\Program Files (x86)\hMailServer\Bin\ directory. If you've installed WAMP, you can get a copy of this .dll from the C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.x.x\lib folder.

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