Php: Add Seconds to a Date

PHP: add seconds to a date

If you are using php 5.3+ you can use a new way to do it.

$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp(). "<br>";
$date->add(new DateInterval('PT674165S')); // adds 674165 secs
echo $date->getTimestamp();

Add 30 seconds to the time with PHP

$time = date("m/d/Y h:i:s a", time() + 30);

PHP Add Seconds

Try adding seconds to time()

$today = date( "m/d/Y h:i:s A", time() + 3600 ); // + 1 hour

Adding one microsecond to Datetime object in PHP

PHP >= 7.1 - works but there's a bug!

If you have PHP 7.1 or later then this should do it:

$date = new Datetime('2018-06-05 09:06:46.7487');
$date->modify('+1 microsecond');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');


2018-06-05 09:06:46.748701

Caution: this fails for .999999

$date = new Datetime('2018-06-05 09:06:46.999999');
$date->modify('+1 microsecond');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');


2018-06-05 09:06:46.1000000

PHP >= 5.2.0 "hack" but not buggy!

If you have PHP 7.0 or earlier then you can extract the microseconds and perform the math yourself in a "hacky" way:

$date = new Datetime('2018-06-05 09:06:46.7487');

// Use bcadd() to add .000001 seconds to the "microtime()" of the date
$microtime = bcadd( $date->getTimestamp().'.'.$date->format( 'u' ), '.000001', 6 );

// Reconstruct the date for consumption by __construct
date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s.', explode( '.', $microtime )[ 0 ] ).explode( '.', $microtime )[ 1 ]

echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');


2018-06-05 09:06:46.748701

The hacky solution also works if the microsecond is at .999999

$date = new Datetime('2018-06-05 09:06:46.999999');

// Use bcadd() to add .000001 seconds to the "microtime()" of the date
$microtime = bcadd( $date->getTimestamp().'.'.$date->format( 'u' ), '.000001', 6 );

// Reconstruct the date for consumption by __construct
date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s.', explode( '.', $microtime )[ 0 ] ).explode( '.', $microtime )[ 1 ]

echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');


2018-06-05 09:06:47.000000

add hours:min:sec to date in PHP

Use DateInterval():

$timeA = new DateTime('2015-10-09 13:40:14');
$timeB = new DateInterval('PT3H5M1S'); // '03:05:01';
echo $timeA->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

You would need to break your time down into the right DateInterval format but that is easily done with explode();

Here's how that might look:

$parts = array_map(function($num) {
return (int) $num;
}, explode(':', '03:05:01'));

$timeA = new DateTime('2015-10-09 13:40:14');
$timeB = new DateInterval(sprintf('PT%uH%uM%uS', $parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2]));
echo $timeA->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');


add seconds to a date using php?

Thanks all,This is my answer.

$strat_time="11/19/2014 2:49:23";
$chat_start=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $dateinsec);
$chat_end= date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$newdate);
$duration = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', ($WaitingTime / 3600), ($WaitingTime / 60 % 60), $WaitingTime % 60);

Add seconds to date for time feedback

Basically you're looking for if the time it was posted is less than five seconds ago. Easy, but you MUST use timestamps. Formatted times are no good.

relativeTime($arrSchool['updated']); // if it's a numeric timestamp
relativeTime(strtotime($arrSchool['updated'])); // if it's a datetime string

function relativeTime($timestamp) {
if( $timestamp > time()-5) {
echo "Updated Just Now";
else {
echo "not now";

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