Does Memcached.Dll Exist

Does memcached.dll exist?

You can get the php extension "memcache" to use memcached with php on windows here

Memcached is the server daemon and you can get it for windows here

The php extension also called memcached requires libmemcached which doesn't seem well supported on windows which is probably why that extension doesn't exist for windows.

where can I find php_memcached.dll php extension?

you can try below links :

get more click here

Manual shows memcached is a valid library

Memcached has no official dll release for windows.

You can either compile it yourself from the PECL source or use a precompiled dll from someone else :

See also : Memcached (not memcache) PHP extension on Windows

php_memcache.dll for 64 bit wampserver with either php 5.3.13 or 5.4.3

I tried all dlls and none worked but suddenly the one given in comment by falcontoast did work.

Will be glad if it works for someone :).

One must check architecture of the phpversion from phpinfo() and must use corresponding dll file. Also the version for memcached service should be of same type.

Try following steps that might work for you. Yes it did work for me when I almost gave up.

1 - Close all memcached services if any already running.

2 - get this service memcached-win64-1.4.4-14(find it) and install it and then start.(the ways to install are already given out there).

3 - get the dll file in comment by falcontoast and put that in extension(ext) folder.

4 - do the changes in php.ini file.

5 - restart the wamp server(probably exit it and then again start it).

If everything is done properly, then the program given here should work fine.

Memcached (not memcache) PHP extension on Windows

Officially - it does not exist. There are several people who have created their own DLL's though. Here is one person's blog who has created the dll:

Here is a link to the repository with the source so you can build your own DLL for memcached:

php_memcache.dll for WAMP 2.5 - PHP : 5.5.12 - Window8:64 Bit - VC11

The warning icon means one of 2 things when seen on the extension menu.

  1. There is a dll in the ext folder but there is no matching extension=php_memcache.dll entry in the PHP.INI file.
  2. There is a extension=xxx.dll in the PHP.INI file but no matching dll in the ext folder.

So if you copied the dll into \wamp\bin\php\phpx.y.z\ext folder then you need to add the extension=php_memcache.dll to the PHP.INI file. Remember this is not a default extension as you needed to download it yourself, so there will be no entry in the php.ini file for it either.

Also remember that you have to install MEMCACHED as the extension on its own is just an interface to the MEMCACHE service.

Also you will need the Thread Safe version of the memcache.dll to run with WampServers configuration of Apache and PHP.

Also make sure you have the right 32/64bit version of memcache.dll to match the version of WAMPServer you installed.

Also remember there are 2 php.ini files, to edit the one used by Apache, use the wampmanager menus like so :-

wampmanager -> PHP -> php.ini

That will launch your editor on \wamp\bin\php\php{version}\phpForApache.ini

The other one \wamp\bin\php\php.ini is only used by the PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) and will have no effect on what is loaded to an Apache instance.

How to install and use memcached in Windows for PHP?

This is for future vistors!

  1. check phpinfo() and see if it's listed.
  2. If not, check whether extension is enabled in php.ini and then check apache error logs for
    error message! dll should be complied with the same compiler the php
    is. (VC9 or VC6) btw, memcache.dll is fine

You can get the php extension "memcache" to use memcached with php on windows here

Memcached is the server daemon and you can get it for windows here

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