How to Hash Long Passwords (>72 Characters) with Blowfish

How to hash long passwords (72 characters) with blowfish

The problem here is basically a problem of entropy. So let's start looking there:

Entropy Per Character

The number of bits of entropy per byte are:

  • Hex Characters
    • Bits: 4
    • Values: 16
    • Entropy In 72 Chars: 288 bits
  • Alpha-Numeric
    • Bits: 6
    • Values: 62
    • Entropy In 72 Chars: 432 bits
  • "Common" Symbols
    • Bits: 6.5
    • Values: 94
    • Entropy In 72 Chars: 468 bits
  • Full Bytes
    • Bits: 8
    • Values: 255
    • Entropy In 72 Chars: 576 bits

So, how we act depends on what type of characters we expect.

The First Problem

The first problem with your code, is that your "pepper" hash step is outputting hex characters (since the fourth parameter to hash_hmac() is not set).

Therefore, by hashing your pepper in, you're effectively cutting the maximum entropy available to the password by a factor of 2 (from 576 to 288 possible bits).

The Second Problem

However, sha256 only provides 256 bits of entropy in the first place. So you're effectively cutting a possible 576 bits down to 256 bits. Your hash step * immediately*, by very definition loses
at least 50% of the possible entropy in the password.

You could partially solve this by switching to SHA512, where you'd only reduce the available entropy by about 12%. But that's still a not-insignificant difference. That 12% reduces the number of permutations by a factor of 1.8e19. That's a big number... And that's the factor it reduces it by...

The Underlying Issue

The underlying issue is that there are three types of passwords over 72 characters. The impact that this style system has on them will be very different:

Note: from here on out I'm assuming we're comparing to a pepper system which uses SHA512 with raw output (not hex).

  • High entropy random passwords

    These are your users using password generators which generate what amount to large keys for passwords. They are random (generated, not human chosen), and have high entropy per character. These types are using high-bytes (characters > 127) and some control characters.

    For this group, your hashing function will significantly reduce their available entropy into bcrypt.

    Let me say that again. For users who are using high entropy, long passwords, your solution significantly reduces the strength of their password by a measurable amount. (62 bits of entropy lost for a 72 character password, and more for longer passwords)

  • Medium entropy random passwords

    This group is using passwords containing common symbols, but no high bytes or control characters. These are your typable passwords.

    For this group, you are going to slightly unlock more entropy (not create it, but allow more entropy to fit into the bcrypt password). When I say slightly, I mean slightly. The break-even occurs when you max out the 512 bits that SHA512 has. Therefore, the peak is at 78 characters.

    Let me say that again. For this class of passwords, you can only store an additional 6 characters before you run out of entropy.

  • Low entropy non-random passwords

    This is the group who are using alpha-numeric characters that are probably not randomly generated. Something like a bible quote or such. These phrases have approximately 2.3 bits of entropy per character.

    For this group, you can significantly unlock more entropy (not create it, but allow more to fit into the bcrypt password input) by hashing. The breakeven is around 223 characters before you run out of entropy.

    Let's say that again. For this class of passwords, pre-hashing definitely increases security significantly.

Back To The Real World

These kinds of entropy calculations don't really matter much in the real world. What matters is guessing entropy. That's what directly effects what attackers can do. That's what you want to maximize.

While there's little research that's gone into guessing entropy, there are some points that I'd like to point out.

The chances of randomly guessing 72 correct characters in a row are extremely low. You're more likely to win the Powerball lottery 21 times, than to have this collision... That's how big of a number we're talking about.

But we may not stumble on it statistically. In the case of phrases the chance of the first 72 characters being the same is a whole lot higher than for a random password. But it's still trivially low (you're more likely to win the Powerball lottery 5 times, based on 2.3 bits per character).


Practically, it doesn't really matter. The chances of someone guessing the first 72 characters right, where the latter ones make a significant difference are so low that it's not worth worrying about. Why?

Well, let's say you're taking a phrase. If the person can get the first 72 characters right, they are either really lucky (not likely), or it's a common phrase. If it's a common phrase, the only variable is how long to make it.

Let's take an example. Let's take a quote from the bible (just because it's a common source of long text, not for any other reason):

You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

That's 180 characters. The 73rd character is the g in the second neighbor's. If you guessed that much, you're likely not stopping at nei, but continuing with the rest of the verse (since that's how the password is likely to be used). Therefore, your "hash" didn't add much.

BTW: I am ABSOLUTELY NOT advocating using a bible quote. In fact, the exact opposite.


You're not really going to help people much who use long passwords by hashing first. Some groups you can definitely help. Some you can definitely hurt.

But in the end, none of it is overly significant. The numbers we are dealing with are just WAY too high. The difference in entropy isn't going to be much.

You're better off leaving bcrypt as it is. You're more likely to screw up the hashing (literally, you've done it already, and you're not the first, or last to make that mistake) than the attack you're trying to prevent is going to happen.

Focus on securing the rest of the site. And add a password entropy meter to the password box on registration to indicate password strength (and indicate if a password is overlong that the user may wish to change it)...

That's my $0.02 at least (or possibly way more than $0.02)...

As Far As Using A "Secret" Pepper:

There is literally no research into feeding one hash function into bcrypt. Therefore, it's unclear at best if feeding a "peppered" hash into bcrypt will ever cause unknown vulnerabilities (we know doing hash1(hash2($value)) can expose significant vulnerabilities around collision resistance and preimage attacks).

Considering that you're already considering storing a secret key (the "pepper"), why not use it in a way that's well studied and understood? Why not encrypt the hash prior to storing it?

Basically, after you hash the password, feed the entire hash output into a strong encryption algorithm. Then store the encrypted result.

Now, an SQL-Injection attack will not leak anything useful, because they don't have the cipher key. And if the key is leaked, the attackers are no better off than if you used a plain hash (which is provable, something with the pepper "pre-hash" doesn't provide).

Note: if you choose to do this, use a library. For PHP, I strongly recommend Zend Framework 2's Zend\Crypt package. It's actually the only one I'd recommend at this current point in time. It's been strongly reviewed, and it makes all the decisions for you (which is a very good thing)...

Something like:

use Zend\Crypt\BlockCipher;

public function createHash($password) {
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ["cost"=>$this->cost]);

$blockCipher = BlockCipher::factory('mcrypt', array('algo' => 'aes'));
return $blockCipher->encrypt($hash);

public function verifyHash($password, $hash) {
$blockCipher = BlockCipher::factory('mcrypt', array('algo' => 'aes'));
$hash = $blockCipher->decrypt($hash);

return password_verify($password, $hash);

And it's beneficial because you're using all of the algorithms in ways that are well understood and well studied (relatively at least). Remember:

Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break.

  • Bruce Schneier

Password max length with bcrypt, blowfish

Question 1: There is simply no reason to limit the password length, BCrypt will work with much longer passwords, though only 72 characters are used. You would have no advantage at all, but theoretically you would hinder people with password managers using longer passwords. If you switch to another algorithm in future, the limit would probably be different, so no reason to limit with 72 characters.

Question 2: Instead of peppering you could better use another approach: Encrypt the password-hash with a server-side key. The reason to add a pepper is, that an attacker must gain privileges on the server, because without the key he cannot start brute-forcing the hashes (SQL-injection or thrown away backups of the database won't do). The same advantage you get with encrypting (two-way) the hash.

  1. This way you do not need to reserve characters for the pepper, you can use all 72 characters from the password.
  2. In contrast to the pepper, the server side key can be exchanged whenever this is necessary. A pepper actually becomes part of the password and cannot be changed until the next login.
  3. Another discussed point is, that a pepper could theoretically interfere with the hash-algorithm.

What is the correct format for a blowfish salt using PHP's crypt?

The number following the 2a specifies the log2 of the number of rounds to perform. For example, 10 means do 1024 rounds. Usually, 10 is normal. Don't use numbers that are too big, or your password will take forever to verify.

See Why does GenerateSalt(31) return straight away? for something related. :-)

Crypt for password hashing. Blowfish produces weird output

The reason that you're seeing problems is that it doesn't actually use 22 characters of salt. It only uses 21.25 characters. So a few bits of the 22nd character are used for salt, and the remaining are used for hash (the result).

The reason is that the salt isn't a string. It's a 128 bit number. The number is serialized into base64. To review how base 64 works, every 3 byte block is "translated" into a 4 byte block.


Now, remember that each original byte has 8 bits. Therefore, each "new byte" will only have 6 bits (because we aren't adding information, we're just representing it differently).

So what's happening is that you're only providing 21 characters of data. Which translates to 15.75 bytes when decoded. But you can't have a partial byte. So the last decoded block is thrown away (due to having insufficient info). And those 6 bits that we threw away map completely to the 21st character.

Therefore, without the 2 bits that are used from the 22nd character, the 21st must be thrown away (because partial bytes don't make sense).

We can test this out:

$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ./";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($chars); $i++) {
echo crypt('string that should be hashed', '$2y$08$12345678901234567890' . $chars[$i]) . "\n";



But if we add a 22nd byte (irrespective of what it is):

$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ./";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($chars); $i++) {
echo crypt('string that should be hashed', '$2y$08$12345678901234567890' . $chars[$i] . 'a') . "\n";

Then we get the effect of the random distribution:


Now, to prove that we're only using a few bits from the last byte, let's vary that one, holding the 21st fixed:

$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ./";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($chars); $i++) {
echo crypt('string that should be hashed', '$2y$08$12345678901234567890a' . $chars[$i]) . "\n";

Here it is:


Notice how that only produces 4 unique hashes? That's because we're only using the first 2 bits (2^2) of that last byte. The rest are actually part of the result hash (and hence thrown away).

Make sense?

And BTW: for this and other reasons, I would suggest not using crypt() directly, but instead using a library. Such as password which is coming in PHP 5.5, or it's compatibility library (which I maintain) password_compat.

Bcrypt Longer Passwords

I see no problem with first running SHA-512.

According to the NIST SP 800-63-3 Draft document "Digital Authentication Guidelines" passwords SHALL accept (and use) at least 64 characters, if they accept more it must not be truncated.

In reality NIST is recommending use of PBKDF with any of SHA-1, SHA-2 family, SHA-3 family, even with SHA1 there will essentially be no collision and even if there is it is not a problem for password hashing. The key is the iteration count to slow down the attacker.

Read the answer comment by @ilkkachu in the links answer.

Changing password with CakePHP and blowfish

Working with blowfish hashes is different than with other hash types. From the API docs of the hash method:

Comparing Hashes: Simply pass the originally hashed password as the salt.

This means in your case you first have to retrieve the hashed password for the specific user and then use it as the salt. Something like

$user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => AuthComponent::user('id')
'fields' => array('password')
$storedHash = $user['User']['password'];
$newHash = Security::hash($this->request->data['User']['old_password'], 'blowfish', $storedHash);
$correct = $storedHash == $newHash;

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