PHP Reflection - Get Method Parameter Type as String

PHP Reflection - Get Method Parameter Type As String

I think the only way is to export and manipulate the result string:

$refParam = new ReflectionParameter(array('Foo', 'Bar'), 0);

$export = ReflectionParameter::export(

$type = preg_replace('/.*?(\w+)\s+\$'.$refParam->name.'.*/', '\\1', $export);
echo $type;

How to get parameter type in reflected class method (PHP 5.x)?

It looks like similar question already added in
PHP Reflection - Get Method Parameter Type As String

I wrote my solution it works for all cases:

* @param ReflectionParameter $parameter
* @return string|null
function getParameterType(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
$export = ReflectionParameter::export(
return preg_match('/[>] ([A-z]+) /', $export, $matches)
? $matches[1] : null;

Get type of parameter with Reflection

You can do that by doing:

$params = $methods[0]->getParameters();

You can only use getClass()->name if that param is strong typed.

How to get the string name of the argument's type hint?

In PHP 7 and later, you can use ReflectionParameter.getType.

Example #1 ReflectionParameter::getType() example

function someFunction(int $param, $param2) {}

$reflectionFunc = new ReflectionFunction('someFunction');
$reflectionParams = $reflectionFunc->getParameters();
$reflectionType1 = $reflectionParams[0]->getType();
$reflectionType2 = $reflectionParams[1]->getType();

echo $reflectionType1;

The above example will output something similar to:


Get class method arguments type

You have to use the ReflectionMethod class instead of ReflectionFunction:

class Test {
public function Test1(int $number, string $str) { }

//get the information about a specific method.
$rm = new ReflectionMethod('Test', 'Test1');

//get all parameter names and parameter types of the method.
foreach ($rm->getParameters() as $parameter) {
echo 'Name: '.$parameter->getName().' - Type: '.$parameter->getType()."\n";


You can use the following solution to get all parameters of all methods, using ReflectionClass:

class Test {
public function Test1(int $number, string $str) { }
public function Test2(bool $boolean) { }
public function Test3($value) { }

//get the information of the class.
$rf = new ReflectionClass('Test');

//run through all methods.
foreach ($rf->getMethods() as $method) {
echo $method->name."\n";

//run through all parameters of the method.
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
echo "\t".'Name: '.$parameter->getName().' - Type: '.$parameter->getType()."\n";


php: get variable type hint using reflection


class Expense {

* @var int
private $id;

$refClass = new ReflectionClass('Expense');
foreach ($refClass->getProperties() as $refProperty) {
if (preg_match('/@var\s+([^\s]+)/', $refProperty->getDocComment(), $matches)) {
list(, $type) = $matches;


string(3) "int"

Get method's arguments?

You can use reflection...

$r = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
$params = $r->getParameters();
foreach ($params as $param) {
//$param is an instance of ReflectionParameter
echo $param->getName();
echo $param->isOptional();

How do I get the type of constructor parameter via reflection?

Try this out.

class Foo {
public function __construct(Bar $test) {

class Bar {
public function __construct() {

$reflection = new ReflectionClass('Foo');
$params = $reflection->getConstructor()->getParameters();
foreach ($params AS $param) {
echo $param->getClass()->name . '<br>';

How to test if Callable parameter will return a string with Reflection?

Maybe you need something like this:

class MyClass
protected static $overrider = null;

public static function setOverrider(Callable $callback)
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($callback);
if ('string' != $reflection->getReturnType()) {
throw new \Exception('Wasnt a string!');

self::$overrider = $callback;

So, as I mentioned previously in comments: You need to declare returning type of your callable (which is a PHP7+ feature). It is a MUST, otherwise, it will not work

Like this:

function my_function(): string
return 'hello';

or like this if you prefer anonymous functions (Closure):

$my_callable = function(): string {
return 'hello';

It is as simple as this:
The interpreter cannot know the returning data type of a function without invoking it if you don't first tell the interpreter what should return the function in question.

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