JSON Parse Error with Double Quotes

json parse error with double quotes

Well, finally, JSON's parse uses the same eval, so there's no difference when you give them smth. with incorrect syntax. In this case you have to escape correctly your quotes in php, and then escape them and their escaping slashes with json_encode

$json = '{"result": ["lunch", "\"Show\""] }';
echo json_encode($json);

OUTPUT: "{\"result\": [\"lunch\", \"\\\"Show\\\"\"] }"

This should work on client-side JS (if I've made no typos).

JSON.parse error is giving error with double quotes string

The problem is the type of quote used in your JSON string, not the outer quotes. The JSON specification only allows for double quoted strings. You could use either type of quote to actually pass your JSON string to the parse() function, though.

From the JSON spec:

JSON string

JSON parse double quotes


\ is a special character in JS strings, so to include it in your JSON you need to escape it.

const yourString = '["\"d\""]';
const validJSON = '["\\"d\\""]'
const parsedData = JSON.parse(validJSON);

document.querySelector('#yourString').value = yourString;
document.querySelector('#validJSON').value = validJSON;
<p>Your string: <output id="yourString"></output>
<p>Valid JSON: <output id="validJSON"></output>

JSON.parse not working with double quotes in value

You have to escape the backslashes and quotation marks when you put the string representation of the object in a string using quotation mark as delimiter:


When you use apostrophes as string delimiter you don't have to escape quotation marks (but you would have to escape apostrophes if you had any):


Error parsing JSON with escaped quotes inside single quotes

The unfortunate thing about this situation is that in the JavaScript code there is no difference between

var jsonData = '{"Key":"query","Value":"dept=\"Human Resources*\"","ValueType":"Edm.String"}'


var jsonData = '{"Key":"query","Value":"dept="Human Resources*"","ValueType":"Edm.String"}'.

You could hardcode information you have about the JSON into the way you program it. For example, you could replace occurences of the regex ([\[\{,:]\s+)\" by $1\" but this would fail to work if the string Human Resources* could also end in a :, { or ,. This would also potentially cause security issues.

In my opinion, the best way to solve your problem would be to put the json response in a json file somewhere so that it can be read into a string by the javascript code that needs to use it.

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