Get Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP

PHP get start and end date of a week by weeknumber

Many years ago, I found this function:

function getStartAndEndDate($week, $year) {
$dto = new DateTime();
$dto->setISODate($year, $week);
$ret['week_start'] = $dto->format('Y-m-d');
$dto->modify('+6 days');
$ret['week_end'] = $dto->format('Y-m-d');
return $ret;

$week_array = getStartAndEndDate(52,2013);

Get Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP

I would take advantange of PHP's strtotime awesomeness:

function x_week_range(&$start_date, &$end_date, $date) {
$ts = strtotime($date);
$start = (date('w', $ts) == 0) ? $ts : strtotime('last sunday', $ts);
$start_date = date('Y-m-d', $start);
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('next saturday', $start));

Tested on the data you provided and it works. I don't particularly like the whole reference thing you have going on, though. If this was my function, I'd have it be like this:

function x_week_range($date) {
$ts = strtotime($date);
$start = (date('w', $ts) == 0) ? $ts : strtotime('last sunday', $ts);
return array(date('Y-m-d', $start),
date('Y-m-d', strtotime('next saturday', $start)));

And call it like this:

list($start_date, $end_date) = x_week_range('2009-05-10');

I'm not a big fan of doing math for things like this. Dates are tricky and I prefer to have PHP figure it out.

Get current week start/end date with DST

I am aware that there is more than one way to skin a cat, but in this case I was interested in how to fix my current code and more importantly to find out what's wrong with it.

Thank you all for your suggestions, especially to @misorude for pointing out the obvious flaw in my initial code, whereas "not every day has 86400 seconds", which is especially true during DST.

So here's the updated working code using relative "days" instead of fixed seconds amount:

$monday = strtotime('next Monday -1 week');
$monday = date('w', $monday)==date('w') ? strtotime(date("Y-m-d",$monday)." +7 days") : $monday;
$sunday = strtotime(date("Y-m-d",$monday)." +6 days");
echo "This week start/end date:<br>";
echo $this_week_sd = date("Y-m-d",$monday)."<br>";
echo $this_week_ed = date("Y-m-d",$sunday)."<br>";

This week start/end date:

Once again, thank you all for your inputs. Much appreciated!

Find the week start and end dates of all weeks between two week numbers

try this

$currentweek = date("W");

for($i=$signupweek;$i<=$currentweek;$i++) {
echo "Week:".$i." Start date:".$result['start']." End date:".$result['end']."<br>";

function getWeek($week, $year) {
$dto = new DateTime();
$result['start'] = $dto->setISODate($year, $week, 0)->format('Y-m-d');
$result['end'] = $dto->setISODate($year, $week, 6)->format('Y-m-d');
return $result;


Week:20 Start date:2014-05-11 End date:2014-05-17
Week:21 Start date:2014-05-18 End date:2014-05-24
Week:22 Start date:2014-05-25 End date:2014-05-31
Week:23 Start date:2014-06-01 End date:2014-06-07
Week:24 Start date:2014-06-08 End date:2014-06-14
Week:25 Start date:2014-06-15 End date:2014-06-21
Week:26 Start date:2014-06-22 End date:2014-06-28
Week:27 Start date:2014-06-29 End date:2014-07-05
Week:28 Start date:2014-07-06 End date:2014-07-12
Week:29 Start date:2014-07-13 End date:2014-07-19
Week:30 Start date:2014-07-20 End date:2014-07-26
Week:31 Start date:2014-07-27 End date:2014-08-02
Week:32 Start date:2014-08-03 End date:2014-08-09
Week:33 Start date:2014-08-10 End date:2014-08-16

Get first/last day of week in php?

Something like this:

$mon = $fri = new DateTime('2017-05-23');
$mon->modify('Last Monday');
$fri->modify('Next Friday');

Get whole week date starting from sunday to saturday from given date

From source,

Here is the snippet you are looking for,

// set current date
$date = '01/03/2018';
// parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp
$ts = strtotime($date);
// calculate the number of days since Monday
$dow = date('w', $ts);
$offset = $dow - 1;
if ($offset < 0) {
$offset = 6;
// calculate timestamp for the Monday
$ts = $ts - $offset*86400;
// loop from Monday till Sunday
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++, $ts += 86400){
print date("m/d/Y l", $ts) . "\n";

Here is working demo.

If you need normal standard format code,

Here is your snippet,

// set current date
$date = '2018-01-03';
// parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp
$ts = strtotime($date);
// calculate the number of days since Monday
$dow = date('w', $ts);
$offset = $dow - 1;
if ($offset < 0) {
$offset = 6;
// calculate timestamp for the Monday
$ts = $ts - $offset * 86400;
// loop from Monday till Sunday
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++, $ts += 86400) {
print date("Y-m-d l", $ts) . "\n";

Here is working demo.


As per your requirement, now week will start from sunday to saturday

// set current date
$date = '2018-01-03';
// parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp
$ts = strtotime($date);
// calculate the number of days since Sunday
$dow = date('w', $ts);
$offset = $dow;
if ($offset < 0) {
$offset = 6;
// calculate timestamp for the Sunday
$ts = $ts - $offset * 86400;
// loop from Sunday till Saturday
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++, $ts += 86400) {
print date("Y-m-d l", $ts) . "\n";

How to find the date of a day of the week from a date using PHP?

I think this is what you want.

$dayofweek = date('w', strtotime($date));
$result = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(($day - $dayofweek).' day', strtotime($date)));

PHP date - get beginning and ending day of given week from format W-m-Y

try this

function getStartAndEndDate($week, $year) {
$dto = new DateTime();
$dto->setISODate($year, $week);
$ret['week_start'] = $dto->format('Y-m-d');
$dto->modify('+6 days');
$ret['week_end'] = $dto->format('Y-m-d');
return $ret;

$week_array = getStartAndEndDate(34,2016);

echo "start date ".date('d-m-Y',strtotime($week_array['week_start'])).'<br>';
echo "End date ".date('d-m-Y',strtotime($week_array['week_end']));

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