How to Round to Nearest Thousand

Round number to nearest thousand, up or down depending on the number

This will do what you want:




Round a number to nearest thousand

First divide your number by 1000, then round, and multiply again:

var num = 89250;
var rounded = Math.round(num / 1000) * 1000;

If you want a different tie-breaking -- rounding ties down instead of up -- then apply the negation operator to the number before and after the rounding. Compare the difference in the output:

var num = 89500;var rounded = -Math.round(-num / 1000) * 1000;console.log('rounding tie down: ', rounded);  // 89000

var num = 89500;var rounded = Math.round(num / 1000) * 1000;console.log('rounding tie up: ', rounded); // 90000

Round integer to nearest thousand

int number = 73400
return round(number/1000.0)*1000

Round number up to nearest thousand

You can do this by combining ceil() with some multiplication and division, like this:

function roundUpToNearestThousand($n)
return (int) (1000 * ceil($n / 1000));

More generically:

function roundUpToNearestMultiple($n, $increment = 1000)
return (int) ($increment * ceil($n / $increment));

Here's a demo.

How to round to nearest Thousand?

PHP allows negative precision for round such as with:

$x = round ($x, -3); // Uses default mode of PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP.

Whereas a positive precision indicates where to round after the decimal point, negative precisions provide the same power before the decimal point. So:

n    round(1111.1111,n)
== ==================
3 1111.111
2 1111.11
1 1111.1
0 1111
-1 1110
-2 1100
-3 1000

As a general solution, even for languages that don't have it built in, you simply do something like:

  • add 500.
  • divide it by 1000 (and truncate to integer if necessary).
  • multiply by 1000.

This is, of course, assuming you want the PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP behaviour. There are some who think that bankers rounding, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN, is better for reducing cumulative errors but that's a topic for a different question.

How to round up number to nearest 100/1000 depending on number, in JavaScript?

You could take the logarithm of ten and round up the value for getting the value.

function roundup(v) {    return Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log10(v)));}
console.log(roundup(87)); // 100console.log(roundup(776)); // 1000console.log(roundup(2333)); // 10000

Round to nearest 1000 in pandas

By using the notation df.ColumnName.round(), you are actually calling pandas.Series.round, the documentation of which specifies:

decimals : int

Number of decimal places to round to (default: 0). If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point.

So you can do:

df = pd.DataFrame({'val':[1,11,130,670]})

This produces the output:

0      0
1 0
2 100
3 700
Name: val, dtype: int64

decimals=-3 rounds to the 1000s, and so on. Notably, it also works using pandas.DataFrame.round(), though the documentation doesn't tell you:

df = pd.DataFrame({'val':[1,11,130,670], 'x':[1,11,150,900]})

This will round the column val to the nearest 100, but leave x alone.

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