Laravel Change Input Value

Laravel change input value

You can use Input::merge() to replace single items.

Input::merge(['inputname' => 'new value']);

Or use Input::replace() to replace the entire input array.

Input::replace(['inputname' => 'new value']);

Here's a link to the documentation

How to change value of a request parameter in laravel

Use merge():

'user_id' => $modified_user_id_here,

Simple! No need to transfer the entire $request->all() to another variable.

Read more about Laravel's merge() here:

Better way to conditionally set input value in laravel-blade

You can pass a second argument to old, it will use as default value, so you can have your code like:

<input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control" value="{{ old('name', isset($category) ? $category->name : '') }}">

Still a little ugly, but way better than having that if.

How update the value of input and send into Request Laravel?

Your inputs have disabled attribute which means they are not send after form submition just remove that and you should be able to see your inputs on backend

How To change input type value in Laravel with if statement

You have to use jquery :

$(document).ready(function(){   $('#company').val('Com 1');   $('#company').trigger('change');});
$(document).on('change','#company',function(){ if($(this).val()=='Com 1'){ $('#address').val("Address of Company 1"); }else if($(this).val()=='Com 2'){ $('#address').val("Address of Company 2"); } else{ $('#address').val("Default Address"); }});
<script src=""></script>

Address : <input type="text" class="form-control" name="add" value="" id="address">
Company Name :<select id="company" name="company"> <option value="Com 1">Com 1</option> <option value="Com 2">Com 2</option></select>

Changing values of laravel inputs

After calling \Input::merge() have you tried calling \Input::get() doesn't it give you the merged array?

Because \Input::merge() only adds the new set of input parameters that you pass and not return anything.

Let me know if this works:

public function myMethod(){
Input::merge(array('myInputName' => 'theValueFromDatabase'));
$newInputVariables = \Input::get('myInputName');
$allVariablesWithNewInput = \Input::all();

Laravel blade set value on input with ternary if

I think a ternary operator it is not needed in this case, since you will do nothing in case condition result false.

You can use just @if:

@if (isset($category)) value="{{$category->name}}" @endif

Also, there is an @isset directive, so could be more appropriate if you do:

@isset($category) value="{{$category->name}}" @endisset 

In your input

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" id="name" @isset($category) value="{{$category->name}}" @endisset />

Ref: Blade Directives If Statements.

Depending on Select option change others value on div and input field in Laravel

I have figured out a solution for this.
Here is my code:

 <select name="offer_id" id="parent_id" class="form-control dynamic" data-dependent="details">
<option value=""> Select Offer</option>
@foreach ( $offers as $row )
<option value="{{ $row->id }}">{{ $row->name }}</option>
@foreach($offers as $row)
<div class="some" id="some_{{ $row->id }}" style="display:none;">
{{ $row->details }}

<script type="text/javascript">
var some = $(this).find('option:selected').val();
$("#some_" + some).show();}); </script>

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