Iterating Over a Complex Associative Array in PHP

Iterating over a complex Associative Array in PHP

Nest two foreach loops:

foreach ($array as $i => $values) {
print "$i {\n";
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
print " $key => $value\n";
print "}\n";

foreach loop over multidimensional associative array

You seem to be going about everything right..but if you are going to be using the start/end/rate values directly, you shouldn't need the second foreach loop. Something like this should get you going:

$values = array();
foreach($this->taxBand as $key => $band) {
$calculation = ($band['end'] - $band['start']) / $band['rate'];

$values[$key] = $calculation;
return $values;

I'm doubting this is the work you plan to do, but the point is you can access the inner associative array $band directly.

If you were to use a sub-loop for whatever reason, you could do something like this:

foreach($this->taxBand as $key => $band) {
// Set variables for this band

foreach($band as $subKey => $value) {
switch($subKey) {
case 'start': // do something
case 'end': // do something
case 'rate': // do something

// Calculations finished

complex multidimentional associative array process with foreach

I think you can really simplify this quote a bit. If you know that this will always be the structure then you can jump right down into the hotels and then into the rooms.

foreach($arr['search']['lr_rates']['hotel'] as $hotel) {
// You can access all of the keys in the hotel array here

foreach($hotel['hotel_rooms'] as $room) {
// Do stuff with the room array

I would recommend either building your insert script on the fly and calling the database just once for the write, or if you are updating then using a transaction. As the number of rooms gets larger you will slow your script down with a bunch of writes to disk.

php loop through complex posts

You can use Recursive function like this.

$arr = array(
"name"=> "mmmkkkk",
"phones"=> array(
"01553338897" ,
"address"=> "107 ostras., Germany",
"assistant"=> array(
"name" => array(
"phone"=> array(
"01043338897" ,

function rec($arr) {

foreach($arr as $key => $p_value)
if (is_array($p_value)) {
} else {
echo $key.":".$p_value."\n";




php loop through complex posts

You can use Recursive function like this.

$arr = array(
"name"=> "mmmkkkk",
"phones"=> array(
"01553338897" ,
"address"=> "107 ostras., Germany",
"assistant"=> array(
"name" => array(
"phone"=> array(
"01043338897" ,

function rec($arr) {

foreach($arr as $key => $p_value)
if (is_array($p_value)) {
} else {
echo $key.":".$p_value."\n";




Problem Iterating through a multi-dimensional array in PHP

The id is part of the array, as you can access it like $value['id']

In the second foreach to prevent confusion you should select a different name for the key and the value.

Try it like this:

foreach($usmDet as $key => $value){
foreach($value as $k => $v){
echo $v['id'] . "<br>";



Php demo

To get all the values for key "id" when multiple nested arrays, you could use array_walk_recursive

$ids = [];
array_walk_recursive($usmDet, function($value, $key) use (&$ids){
if ($key === "id") {
$ids[] = $value;


Php demo

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