How to Execute Ssh Commands Via PHP

How to run CLI commands in PHP on another server using SSH?

ssh2_connect or phpseclib

You can use ssh2_connect or phpseclib. On my EC2 instance I had to install the package for ssh2_connect (e.g. yum install php56-pecl-ssh2-0.12-5.15.amzn1.x86_64) as it wasn't there by default. Note: this could be done with a bash script as well.


$connection = ssh2_connect('localhost', 22);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'user', 'password');
$stream = ssh2_exec($connection, 'ls -l > /tmp/worked.txt');

$ssh = new Net_SSH2('');
$ssh->login('username', 'password') or die("Login failed");
echo $ssh->exec('command');

Further reading:

How To connect to remote server via PHP

Finally, I found the solution
Phpseclib isn't working for me

$connection = ssh2_connect('ip.22.222.2', 22);

if (ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'username', 'pass')) {
echo "Authentication Successful!\n";
} else {
die('Authentication Failed...');

Replace The user/pass/IP with your own values

Execute a shell command through ssh using PHP

Try phpseclib, that'll work.


$server = "myserver";
$username = "myadmin";
$password = "mypass";
$command = "ps";

$ssh = new Net_SSH2($server);
if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) {
exit('Login Failed');

echo $ssh->exec($command);

How can I execute remote commands in PHP via ssh?

If you can't add php packages due to red tape, here's a simple class that can do the trick

class ExecuteRemote
private static $host;
private static $username;
private static $password;
private static $error;
private static $output;

public static function setup($host, $username=NULL, $password=NULL)
self::$host = $host;
self::$username = $username;
self::$password = $password;

public static function executeScriptSSH($script)
// Setup connection string
$connectionString = self::$host;
$connectionString = (empty(self::$username) ? $connectionString : self::$username.'@'.$connectionString);

// Execute script
$cmd = "ssh $connectionString $script 2>&1";
self::$output['command'] = $cmd;
exec($cmd, self::$output, self::$error);

if (self::$error) {
throw new Exception ("\nError sshing: ".print_r(self::$output, true));

return self::$output;

PHP Execute Shell Command And Retrieve The Output

Use escapeshellarg() to escape command argument. Please try like this

$host       =  escapeshellarg("user@router");
$commandArg = escapeshellarg("/var/log/messages");
$result = shell_exec('ssh ' . $host . ' cat ' . $commandArg);
echo $result, PHP_EOL;

Execute commands on remote machine via PHP

Run SSH commands through PHP on server A to server B.

Here is how to run ssh commands with the command line in linux:

In order to run commands on linux with PHP use the exec() command.

I hope this will get you started looking in the right direction.

Look at these two posts for automating the password prompt


Here is a quick example with non-working code to get you thinking:


$server = "";
//ip address will work too i.e. just make sure this is your public ip address not private as is the example

//specify your username
$username = "root";

//select port to use for SSH
$port = "22";

//command that will be run on server B
$command = "uptime";

//form full command with ssh and command, you will need to use links above for auto authentication help
$cmd_string = "ssh -p ".$port." ".$username."@".$server." ".$command;

//this will run the above command on server A (localhost of the php file)
exec($cmd_string, $output);

//return the output to the browser
//This will output the uptime for server B on page on server A
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

The recommended flow is to run a command on server A to SSH to server B

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