How Can One Check to See If a Remote File Exists Using PHP

How can I check if a file exists on a remote server using PHP?

I used this, a bit easier:

// the server you wish to connect to - you can also use the server ip ex.
$ftp_server = "";

// set up a connection to the server we chose or die and show an error
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");

// check if a file exist
$path = "/SERVER_FOLDER/"; //the path where the file is located

$file = "file.html"; //the file you are looking for

$check_file_exist = $path.$file; //combine string for easy use

$contents_on_server = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $path); //Returns an array of filenames from the specified directory on success or FALSE on error.

// Test if file is in the ftp_nlist array
if (in_array($check_file_exist, $contents_on_server))
echo "<br>";
echo "I found ".$check_file_exist." in directory : ".$path;
echo "<br>";
echo $check_file_exist." not found in directory : ".$path;

// output $contents_on_server, shows all the files it found, helps for debugging, you can use print_r() as well

// remember to always close your ftp connection

Functions used: (thanks to middaparka)

  1. Login using ftp_connect

  2. Get the remote file list via ftp_nlist

  3. Use in_array to see if the file was present in the array

How to check whether file exist or not in given URL?

You can use fopen() to check either file exists or not.

$url = "";

// Open for reading only.

if(@fopen($url, 'r') ){

echo 'File Found';

echo 'file not found';

How do I test if an remote image file exists in php?

file_exists uses local path, not a URL.

A solution would be this:


// The image doesn't exist
// The image exists

See this for more information.

Also, looking for the response headers (using the get_headers function) would be a better alternative. Just check if the response is 404:

if(@get_headers($your_url)[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found')
// The image doesn't exist
// The image exists

check if file exists in php

if (!file_exists('')) {   
$filefound = '0';

Using phpseclib to check if file already exists

There is a closing curly brace missing right before the second else keyword.

Please try to use a code editor with proper syntax highlighting and code formatting to spot such mistakes on the fly while you are still editing the PHP file.

The corrected and formatted code:

$files = $sftp->nlist('out/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (basename((string)$file)) {
if (strpos($file, ".") > 1) { //Checks if file
$filesize = $sftp->size('out/' . $file); //gets filesize
if ($filesize > 1) {
if (file_exists('import/' . $file)) {
echo $file . ' already exists';
} else {
$sftp->get('out/' . $file, 'import/' . $file); //Sends file over
} else {
echo $file . ' is empty.</br>';

Verify remote file exists with SplFileInfo

There is no equivalent of file_exists() for the SplFileInfo class.

SplFileInfo::isFile() is a different check, which correlates with the is_file() function (they share underlying code).

You could call the file_exists() function on $imageLocation, provided it references a stream wrapper that supports stat() functionality. Wrappers such as file://, phar:// and ftp:// (the latter only partially) support this.

Unfortunately the http:// (and https://) wrapper does not support stat() calls. This means file_exists(), and other functions that call stat(), will return false.

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