Sort an Array by Keys Based on Another Array

Sort an Array by keys based on another Array?

Just use array_merge or array_replace. array_merge works by starting with the array you give it (in the proper order) and overwriting/adding the keys with data from your actual array:

$customer['address']    = '123 fake st';
$customer['name'] = 'Tim';
$customer['dob'] = '12/08/1986';
$customer['dontSortMe'] = 'this value doesnt need to be sorted';

$properOrderedArray = array_merge(array_flip(array('name', 'dob', 'address')), $customer);
// or
$properOrderedArray = array_replace(array_flip(array('name', 'dob', 'address')), $customer);

// $properOrderedArray: array(
// 'name' => 'Tim',
// 'dob' => '12/08/1986',
// 'address' => '123 fake st',
// 'dontSortMe' => 'this value doesnt need to be sorted')

PS: I'm answering this 'stale' question, because I think all the loops given as previous answers are overkill.

Sort array elements based on another array's keys

How about this? Using array_replace():

$arr1 = array('0' => 'John', '1' => 'George', '2' => 'James', '3' => 'Harry');
$arr2 = array('0' => '12', '1' => '8', '2' => '34', '3' => '23');
var_dump(array_replace($arr2, $arr1)); // array(4) { [2]=> string(5) "James" [3]=> string(5) "Harry" [0]=> string(4) "John" [1]=> string(6) "George" }


Javascript - sort array based on another array

One-Line answer.

itemsArray.sort(function(a, b){  
return sortingArr.indexOf(a) - sortingArr.indexOf(b);

Or even shorter:

itemsArray.sort((a, b) => sortingArr.indexOf(a) - sortingArr.indexOf(b));

PHP - Sort array with another array

$ordered_fruits = array();
foreach($order as $value) {

if(array_key_exists($value,$fruits)) {
$ordered_fruits[$value] = $fruits[$value];

Sort object array based on another array of keys

Try this

var a = ['d','a','b','c'] ;var b =  [{a:1},{c:3},{d:4},{b:2}];
b.sort(function(x,y){ var xkey = a.indexOf(Object.keys(x)[0]); var ykey = a.indexOf(Object.keys(y)[0]); return xkey - ykey;})
document.body.innerHTML += JSON.stringify(b,0,4);

Sort array of objects based on another array of objects key

You can try this, it finds the first elem in array2 matching the name, in order, from the array1.. removes it from array2 and then adds it to the sortedArray2.

const array1 = [
"name": "B",
"order": 1
"name": "C",
"order": 2
"name": "D",
"order": 3
"name": "B",
"order": 4
"name": "A",
"order": 5

const array2 = [
"name": "B",
"order": 1,
"id": 3638
"name": "B",
"order": 1,
"id": 3661
"name": "C",
"order": 2,
"id": 3658
"name": "D",
"order": 3,
"id": 3659
"name": "A",
"order": 5,
"id": 3636

const sortedArray2 = []

for(const item of array1) {
array2.findIndex(elem => ===, 1


Sort array of objects based on another array and move items not in that array to the end

I'd start by building a complete array to perform the sort, including missing elements from the keys, in their original order...