Get Filename of File Which Ran PHP Include

Get filename of file which ran PHP include

An easy way is to assign a variable in the parent file (before the inclue), then reference that variable in the included file.

Parent File:

$myvar_not_replicated = __FILE__; // Make sure nothing else is going to overwrite
include 'other_file.php';

Included File:

if (isset($myvar_not_replicated)) echo "{$myvar_not_replicated} included me";
else echo "Unknown file included me";

You could also mess around with get_included_files() or debug_backtrace() and find the event when and where the file got included, but that can get a little messy and complicated.

Get the current script file name

Just use the PHP magic constant __FILE__ to get the current filename.

But it seems you want the part without .php. So...

basename(__FILE__, '.php'); 

A more generic file extension remover would look like this...

function chopExtension($filename) {
return pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);

var_dump(chopExtension('bob.php')); // string(3) "bob"
var_dump(chopExtension('')); // string(15) "bob.i.have.dots"

Using standard string library functions is much quicker, as you'd expect.

function chopExtension($filename) {
return substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));

Find out the name of the last script that included the current one

get_included_files should be useful. Place the following code in level 2 or level 3 file:

$files = get_included_files();
list($parent) = array_slice($files, -2, 1);
echo $parent;

How to detect if a file is being included or directly ran

Make the included scripts not accessible via HTTP at all. E.g. by protecting the subfolder or moving them above the document root.

If you cannot do that, define() something like IS_INCLUDED in your main script and exit; if this constant is not defined() in your included script.

Get code line and file that's executing the current function in PHP?

You can use debug_backtrace().

So, in your log function, you would be able to retrieve the filename and line number from which the log function was called.

I'm using this approach in my logging classes and it has significantly reduced the amount of code required to get meaningful log data. Another benefit would be readability. Magic constants tend to get quite ugly when mixed with strings.

Here's a quick example:

function log($msg)
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$caller = array_shift($bt);

// echo $caller['file'];
// echo $caller['line'];

// do your logging stuff here.

php includes is there any way to include a file relative only to that document?

This may help: (from

Files for including are first looked
for in each include_path entry
relative to the current working
directory, and then in the directory
of current script. E.g. if your
include_path is libraries, current
working directory is /www/, you
included include/a.php and there is
include "b.php" in that file, b.php
is first looked in /www/libraries/
and then in /www/include/. If filename
begins with ./ or ../, it is looked
for only in the current working
directory or parent of the current
working directory, respectively

Your question states:

If I want to include another file
inside footer.php, I must do it
relative to the index.php file (the
one that is including it).

This is true only if the filepath you are trying to include() starts with ./ or ../ . If you need to include a file above the current file using a relative path, you can (as you suggested) use:

include( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../file.php')

If you define an absolute path, you can also add this to the current include_path:

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/absolute/path');

You can then do all your includes relative to '/absolute/path/'.

PHP: Check if a file is loaded directly instead of including?

If you use


in the file that includes it and then put

if(!defined('APP_RAN')){ die(); }

or alternatively

defined('APP_RAN') or die();

(which is easier to read)

in included files it would die if you access them directly.

It would probably be better to put all of your included files above your DocumentRoot though.

For example, if your index page is at


You should put the included files in


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