Check If a String Contain Multiple Specific Words

Better way to detect if a string contains multiple words

Editors note: Despite being heavily upvoted and accepted, this does not function the same as the code in the question. execute is called on the first match, like a logical OR.

You could use an array:

String[] matches = new String[] {"adsf", "qwer"};

bool found = false;
for (String s : matches)
if (input.contains(s))

This is efficient as the one posted by you but more maintainable. Looking for a more efficient solution sounds like a micro optimization that should be ignored until proven to be effectively a bottleneck of your code, in any case with a huge string set the solution could be a trie.

Check if a string contain multiple specific words

For this, you will need Regular Expressions and the preg_match function.

Something like:

if(preg_match('(bad|naughty)', $data) === 1) { } 

The reason your attempt didn't work

Regular Expressions are parsed by the PHP regex engine. The problem with your syntax is that you used the || operator. This is not a regex operator, so it is counted as part of the string.

As correctly stated above, if it's counted as part of the string you're looking to match: 'bad || naughty' as a string, rather than an expression!

Python - Check if a string contains multiple words

Basic implementation

Generally, you use split() to split a string of words into a list of them. If the list has more than one element, it's True (i.e. you could print yes)

def contains_multiple_words(s):
return len(s.split()) > 1

Punctuation support

To support punctuation etc as well, you can split on a regular expression, via the re module's split command:

import re

def contains_multiple_words(s):
return len(re.compile('\W').split(s)) > 1

The regular expression character class \W means any single non-word character, e.g. punctuation or spaces (see the Python regex syntax guide for details).

Thus, splitting on this instead of just space (the default in the first example) allows for a more realistic idea of "words".

How to check if a string contains multiple words on different locations

If you want to know the length of the match, e.g. using regex:

var str = "There idea";

var pattern = new RegExp("\\b" + str.replace(/ +/g, "\\b.*\\b") + "\\b", "i")

var strings = [
"There is this one thing that I'm trying to do but I have no idea how",
"I really have no clue how too fix it",
"Hopefully maybe someone can help me"

for( i=0; i < strings.length; i++ )
if( res=strings[i].match(pattern) )
console.log( res[0], res[0].length )

How to identify the string where it contains multiple words

Here's one approach, which also works for multiple words:

words = ['cat', 'mouse']
m = pd.concat([df.Column.str.lower().str.contains(w) for w in words], axis=1).all(1)

0 Cat and mouse are the born enemies

Go: how to check if a string contains multiple substrings?

You can write your own utility function using strings.Contains() that can work for multiple sub-strings.

Here's an example that returns Boolean (true/false) in case of complete / partial match and the total number of matches:

package main

import (

func checkSubstrings(str string, subs ...string) (bool, int) {

matches := 0
isCompleteMatch := true

fmt.Printf("String: \"%s\", Substrings: %s\n", str, subs)

for _, sub := range subs {
if strings.Contains(str, sub) {
matches += 1
} else {
isCompleteMatch = false

return isCompleteMatch, matches

func main() {
isCompleteMatch1, matches1 := checkSubstrings("Hello abc, xyz, abc", "abc", "xyz")
fmt.Printf("Test 1: { isCompleteMatch: %t, Matches: %d }\n", isCompleteMatch1, matches1)


isCompleteMatch2, matches2 := checkSubstrings("Hello abc, abc", "abc", "xyz")
fmt.Printf("Test 2: { isCompleteMatch: %t, Matches: %d }\n", isCompleteMatch2, matches2)


String: "Hello abc, xyz, abc", Substrings: [abc xyz]
Test 1: { isCompleteMatch: true, Matches: 2 }

String: "Hello abc, abc", Substrings: [abc xyz]
Test 2: { isCompleteMatch: false, Matches: 1 }

Here's the live example:

Check if one of multiple words exists in the string?

Simply checking using preg_match(), you can add many different words in the pattern, just use a separator | in between words.

The following will match partial words, so larger words like pit, testify, itinerary will be matched. The pattern is also case-sensitive, so It and Test will not be matched.

$str = "it is a test";
if (preg_match("/it|test/", $str))
echo "a word was matched";

Sorry, I didn't know that you were dealing with other languages, you can try this:

$str = "你好 abc efg";
if (preg_match("/\b(你好|test)\b/u", $str))
echo "a word was matched";

I also need to mention that \b means word boundary, so it will only matches the exact words.

Check if multiple strings exist in another string

You can use any:

a_string = "A string is more than its parts!"
matches = ["more", "wholesome", "milk"]

if any([x in a_string for x in matches]):

Similarly to check if all the strings from the list are found, use all instead of any.

Javascript - How to check if a string contains multiple substrings in one condition

I can only think of this:

'use strict';
String.prototype.includes = function (...args) { return args.filter(str => this.indexOf(str) > -1).length === args.length;};
var str = 'initcall7773107b-7273-464d-9374-1bff75accc15TopCenter';if(str.includes('initcall', 'TopCenter')) { console.log('Do something...');}

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