Check for Session Timeout in Laravel

Check for Session timeout in Laravel

Just use the same logic as the session class itself.

if ((time() - Session::activity()) > (Config::get('session.lifetime') * 60))
// Session expired

Place this in your 'before' filter - and it will run on every request.

Laravel session timeout, extra logout code

You are comparing session lifetime same as in middleware.

That Means when session will expire, your middleware will not(never) called.And user will move to login page.

If you want to save entry in Database, You can set long-time session lifetime, and in middleware use your custom time to logout.

Change in config/session.php

'lifetime' => 525600, // for one year, it will be in minute, use as you want. 

Change in middleware as below, log out after two hours.

   if (now()->diffInMinutes(session('lastActivityTime')) >= (120) ) {  // also you can this value in your config file and use here
if (auth()->check() && auth()->id() > 1) {
$user = auth()->user();

$user->update(['is_logged_in' => false]);


return redirect(route('users.login'));


By this way your session will not expire automatically and you can manipulate data.

Session timeout in laravel 8 + inertia js

I was able to log user out after 10 minutes of inactivity using middleware.

You can find the code here:

Redirect automatically when user session expires in Laravel 5.5

As your sessions have a fixed lifetime you can pass that information to the client and give the client responsibility for querying the service to determine session expiry at the time when you expect the session to have expired so that instead of constantly querying your service for their sessions status, they're only querying when it's likely to have expired.

  1. A user makes a request to your website
  2. Middleware generates a timestamp representing the point at which their session will expire and returns it to the client to be stored as a cookie
  3. Javascript runs on the client that retrieves the timestamp of their session expiry from the cookie and then when that timestamp is reached you check if the cookie value has changed, and if not then a request is made to your session status endpoint to confirm their session is no longer active
  4. Your session status endpoint returns either an expired status (which triggers the inactive session behaviour) or it returns a new timestamp which you can then update the cookie with so that the process repeats again when that expiry is reached

Personally I would not recommend automatically redirecting someone to the login form when their session has expired because it means when they have many pages open each page will now be the log in form which is a bad user experience. Many technical users will understand that they can log in on one page and then refresh the others, however many non-technical people won't and they will believe they have to enter their username and password on every single page.

If your application depends on an active session even after page load -- i.e it's a single page application that uses ajax -- then when the session expires you should disable the page with a modal that says "Your session has expired, please log in again to continue using this page" and when they click login you first check if they've got an active session and if not only then do you redirect to the log in form. This means that if they have many tabs open and their session expires, when they return to those tabs and click the "log in" button their page use immediately resumes. This is a much better user experience.

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