Differencebetween Is_A and Instanceof

What is the difference between is_a and instanceof?


As of PHP 5.3.9, the functionality of is_a() has changed. The original answer below states that is_a() must accept an Object as the first argument, but PHP versions >= 5.3.9 now accept an optional third boolean argument $allow_string (defaults to false) to allow comparisons of string class names instead:

class MyBaseClass {}
class MyExtendingClass extends MyBaseClass {}

// Original behavior, evaluates to false.
is_a(MyExtendingClass::class, MyBaseClass::class);

// New behavior, evaluates to true.
is_a(MyExtendingClass::class, MyBaseClass::class, true);

The key difference in the new behavior between instanceof and is_a() is that instanceof will always check that the target is an instantiated object of the specified class (including extending classes), whereas is_a() only requires that the object be instantiated when the $allow_string argument is set to the default value of false.


Actually, is_a is a function, whereas instanceof is a language construct. is_a will be significantly slower (since it has all the overhead of executing a function call), but the overall execution time is minimal in either method.

It's no longer deprecated as of 5.3, so there's no worry there.

There is one difference however. is_a being a function takes an object as parameter 1, and a string (variable, constant, or literal) as parameter 2. So:

is_a($object, $string); // <- Only way to call it

instanceof takes an object as parameter 1, and can take a class name (variable), object instance (variable), or class identifier (class name written without quotes) as parameter 2.

$object instanceof $string;      // <- string class name
$object instanceof $otherObject; // <- object instance
$object instanceof ClassName; // <- identifier for the class

Ruby: kind_of? vs. instance_of? vs. is_a?

kind_of? and is_a? are synonymous.

instance_of? is different from the other two in that it only returns true if the object is an instance of that exact class, not a subclass.


  • "hello".is_a? Object and "hello".kind_of? Object return true because "hello" is a String and String is a subclass of Object.
  • However "hello".instance_of? Object returns false.

What's the best way to determine if a variable is a particular object?

It depends on what you really want to check.

get_class check will tell you if given object is of given class. instanceof operator on the other hand will tell you, if given object is of given class OR has that class in it's inheritance tree OR implements given interface.

Some examples:

class Parent {}
class Child extends Parent {}

$obj = new Child;

var_dump($obj instanceof Parent); // true
var_dump(get_class($obj) === 'Parent'); // false
var_dump($obj instanceof Child); // true
var_dump(get_class($obj) === 'Child'); // true

So both ways can be used depending on what you need.

Regarding is_a(), it behaves the same way as instanceof operator, but is know to be a bit slower. In bigger applications the difference in performance will be negligible.

instanceof offers more flexibility. While is_a() only accepts string as its second argument, instanceof can be passed a string, an object or class identifier.

What is the difference between `this instanceof String` and `foo instanceof String`?

First of all, you cannot apply instanceof to primitive values, that's why

"foo" instanceof String

returns false. Primitives are not objects and hence cannot be an instance of a constructor function. *

So why does it seem to work inside the is_a method?

In non-strict mode, the value of this inside a function is always going to be an object (step 3). If this value is not an object, it is implicitly converted to one. You can test this with console.log(typeof this).

That means that the string primitive "foo" is converted to an String object new String("foo") and that's why you can use instanceof on it.

In strict mode, the value of this doesn't have to be an object and is not automatically converted (step 1). Your method would fail in that case:

> Object.prototype.is_a = function (x) {
'use strict';
return this instanceof x;
> "foo".is_a(String)

*: That's a very simplified explanation. In reality, the instanceof operator delegates the evaluation to the constructor function's internal [[HasInstance]] method, which is defined to return false if the passed value is not an object.

PHP instanceof and is_a when checking error object

It seems that instanceof needs fully qualified classname. So this should work.

function throwException($exception = null)
$message = "";
if ($exception instanceof \MyNameSpace\Exception\ValidationException) {
$message .= "One";

if (is_a($exception, 'MyNameSpace\Exception\ValidationException')) {
$message .= "Two";

return $message;


use MyNameSpace\Exception\ValidationException;

function throwException($exception = null)
$message = "";
if ($exception instanceof ValidationException) {
$message .= "One";

if (is_a($exception, 'MyNameSpace\Exception\ValidationException')) {
$message .= "Two";

return $message;

What is the meaning of the `allow_string` argument to `is_a`?

The answer has to do with subclassing. In PHP 5.3.7 is_a changed so that if the first argument was not an object, PHP would __autoload that argument, effectively attempting to make it an object:

> class A {}
> class B extends A {}
> echo is_a('B', 'A');
> // nada
> echo is_a('B', 'A', true);

Needless to say, that can lead to some unexpected side-effects and slowdowns, so adding the third argument gives you the choice about which behavior you want.

This all probably started when someone discovered that is_a and subclass_of don't behave exactly like instanceof.

Check if variable which stores name of a class is an instanceof a class

Check if variable which stores name of a class is an instanceof a class

My answer:

If a variable stores a name of a class it cannot be instance of that class because it's a string!

What you might wanted:

Check if variable stores a name of existing class

Solution to that:

if (class_exists($myclass)) { ... }

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