X86 Assembly: Before Making a System Call on Linux Should You Save All Registers

x86 Assembly: Before Making a System Call on Linux Should You Save All Registers?

The int 80h call itself will not corrupt anything, apart from putting the return value in eax. So the code fragment you have is fine. (But if your code fragment is part of a larger routine which is expected to be called by other code following the usual Linux x86 ABI, you will need to preserve ebx, and possibly other registers, on entry to your routine, and restore on exit.)

The relevant code in the kernel can be found in arch/x86/kernel/entry_32.S. It's a bit hard to follow, due to extensive use of macros, and various details (support for syscall tracing, DWARF debugging annotations, etc.) but: the int 80h handler is system_call (line 493 in the version I've linked to); the registers are saved via the SAVE_ALL macro (line 497); and they're restored again via RESTORE_REGS (line 534) just before returning.

What registers are preserved through a linux x86-64 function call

Here's the complete table of registers and their use from the documentation [PDF Link]:

table from docs

r12, r13, r14, r15, rbx, rsp, rbp are the callee-saved registers - they have a "Yes" in the "Preserved across function calls" column.

Why do x86-64 Linux system calls work with 6 registers set?

System calls accept up to 6 arguments, passed in registers (almost the same registers as the SysV x64 C ABI, with r10 replacing rcx but they are callee preserved in the syscall case), and "extra" arguments are simply ignored.

Some specific answers to your questions below.

The src/internal/x86_64/syscall.s is just a "thunk" which shifts all the all the arguments into the right place. That is, it converts from a C-ABI function which takes the syscall number and 6 more arguments, into a "syscall ABI" function with the same 6 arguments and the syscall number in rax. It works "just fine" for any number of arguments - the additional register movement will simply be ignored by the syscall if those arguments aren't used.

Since in the C-ABI all the argument registers are considered scratch (i.e., caller-save), clobbering them is harmless if you assume this __syscall method is called from C. In fact the kernel makes stronger guarantees about clobbered registers, clobbering only rcx and r11 so assuming the C calling convention is safe but pessimistic. In particular, the code calling __syscall as implemented here will unnecessarily save any argument and scratch registers per the C ABI, despite the kernel's promise to preserve them.

The arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h file is pretty much the same thing, but in a C header file. Here, you want all seven versions (for zero to six arguments) because modern C compilers will warn or error if you call a function with the wrong number of arguments. So there is no real option to have "one function to rule them all" as in the assembly case. This also has the advantage of doing less work syscalls that take less than 6 arguments.

Your listed questions, answered:

  • Why can I pass more parameters than the system call takes?

Because the calling convention is mostly register-based and caller cleanup. You can always pass more arguments in this situation (including in the C ABI) and the other arguments will simply be ignored by the callee. Since the syscall mechanism is generic at the C and .asm level, there is no real way the compiler can ensure you are passing the right number of arguments - you need to pass the right syscall id and the right number of arguments. If you pass less, the kernel will see garbage, and if you pass more, they will be ignored.

  • Is this reasonable, documented behavior?

Yes, sure - because the whole syscall mechanism is a "generic gate" into the kernel. 99% of the time you aren't going to use that: glibc wraps the vast majority of interesting syscalls in C ABI wrappers with the correct signature so you don't have to worry about. Those are the ways that syscall access happens safely.

  • What am I supposed to set the unused registers to?

You don't set them to anything. If you use the C prototypes arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h the compiler just takes care of it for you (it doesn't set them to anything) and if you are writing your own asm, you don't set them to anything (and you should assume they are clobbered after the syscall).

  • What will the kernel do with the registers it doesn't use?

It is free to use all the registers it wants, but will adhere to the kernel calling convention which is that on x86-64 all registers other than rax, rcx and r11 are preserved (which is why you see rcx and r11 in the clobber list in the C inline asm).

  • Is the seven function approach faster by virtue of having less instructions?

Yes, but the difference is very small since the reg-reg mov instructions are usually have zero latency and have high throughput (up to 4/cycle) on recent Intel architectures. So moving an extra 6 registers perhaps takes something like 1.5 cycles for a syscall that is usually going to take at least 50 cycles even if it does nothing. So the impact is small, but probably measurable (if you measure very carefully!).

  • What happens to the other registers in those functions?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but the other registers can be used just like all GP registers, if the kernel wants to preserve their values (e.g., by pushing them on the stack and then poping them later).

Saving Status register when calling a function

The status register is not preserved across function calls. If there's something important in the status register it needs to be copied elsewhere (generally with SETcc), but the calling convention doesn't require the calling function to do this, just as it doesn't require the calling function to save and restore AX et al. if there's nothing important in them.

Why do x86-64 Linux system calls modify RCX, and what does the value mean?

The system call return value is in rax, as always. See What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on i386 and x86-64.

Note that sys_brk has a slightly different interface than the brk / sbrk POSIX functions; see the C library/kernel differences section of the Linux brk(2) man page. Specifically, Linux sys_brk sets the program break; the arg and return value are both pointers. See Assembly x86 brk() call use. That answer needs upvotes because it's the only good one on that question.

The other interesting part of your question is:

I do not quite understand the value in the rcx register in this case

You're seeing the mechanics of how the syscall / sysret instructions are designed to allow the kernel to resume user-space execution but still be fast.

syscall doesn't do any loads or stores, it only modifies registers. Instead of using special registers to save a return address, it simply uses regular integer registers.

It's not a coincidence that RCX=RIP and R11=RFLAGS after the kernel returns to your user-space code. The only way for this not to be the case is if a ptrace system call modified the process's saved rcx or r11 value while it was inside the kernel. (ptrace is the system call gdb uses). In that case, Linux would use iret instead of sysret to return to user space, because the slower general-case iret can do that. (See What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code? for some walk-through of Linux's system-call entry points. Mostly the entry points from 32-bit processes, not from syscall in a 64-bit process, though.)

Instead of pushing a return address onto the kernel stack (like int 0x80 does), syscall:

  • sets RCX=RIP, R11=RFLAGS (so it's impossible for the kernel to even see the original values of those regs before you executed syscall).

  • masks RFLAGS with a pre-configured mask from a config register (the IA32_FMASK MSR). This lets the kernel disable interrupts (IF) until it's done swapgs and setting rsp to point to the kernel stack. Even with cli as the first instruction at the entry point, there'd be a window of vulnerability. You also get cld for free by masking off DF so rep movs / stos go upward even if user-space had used std.

    Fun fact: AMD's first proposed syscall / swapgs design didn't mask RFLAGS, but they changed it after feedback from kernel developers on the amd64 mailing list (in ~2000, a couple years before the first silicon).

  • jumps to the configured syscall entry point (setting CS:RIP = IA32_LSTAR). The old CS value isn't saved anywhere, I think.

  • It doesn't do anything else, the kernel has to use swapgs to get access to an info block where it saved the kernel stack pointer, because rsp still has its value from user-space.

So the design of syscall requires a system-call ABI that clobbers registers, and that's why the values are what they are.

saving general purpose registers in switch_to() in linux 2.6

Linux versions before 2.2.0 use hardware task switching, where the TSS saves/restores registers for you. That's what the "ljmp %0\n\t" is doing. (ljmp is AT&T syntax for a far jmp, presumably to a task gate). I'm not really familiar with hardware TSS stuff because it's not very relevant; it's still used in modern kernels for getting RSP pointing to the kernel stack for interrupt handlers, but not for context switching between tasks.

Hardware task switching is slow, so later kernels avoid it. Linux 2.2 does save/restore the call-preserved registers manually, with push/pop before/after swapping stacks. EAX, EDX, and ECX are declared as dummy outputs ("=a" (eax), "=d" (edx), "=c" (ecx)) so the compiler knows that the old values of those registers are no longer available.

This is a sensible choice because switch_to is probably used inside a non-inline function. The caller will make a function call that eventually returns (after running another task for a while) with the call-preserved registers restored, and the call-clobbered registers clobbered, just like a regular function call. (So compiler code-gen for the function that uses the switch_to macro doesn't need to emit save/restore code outside of the inline asm). If you think about writing a whole context switch function in asm (not inline asm), you'd get this clobbering of volatile registers for free because callers expect that.

So how do later kernels avoid saving/restoring those registers in inline asm?

Linux 2.4 uses "=b" (last) as an output operand, so the compiler has to save/restore EBX in a function that uses this asm. The asm still saves/restores ESI, EDI, and EBP (as well as ESP). The text of the article notes this:

The 2.4 kernel context switch brings a few minor changes: EBX is no longer pushed/popped, but it is now included in the output of the inline assembly. We have a new input argument.

I don't see where they tell the compiler about EAX, ECX, and EDX not surviving, so that's odd. It might be a bug that they get away with by making the function noinline or something?

Linux 2.6 on i386 uses more output operands that get the compiler to handle the save/restore.

But Linux 2.6 for x86-64 introduces the trick that hands off the save/restore to the compiler easily: #define __EXTRA_CLOBBER ,"rcx","rbx","rdx","r8","r9","r10", "r11","r12","r13","r14","r15"

Notice the clobbers declaration: : "memory", "cc" __EXTRA_CLOBBER

This tells the compiler that the inline asm destroys all those registers, so the compiler will emit instructions to save/restore these registers at the start/end of whatever function switch_to ultimately inlines into.

Telling the compiler that all the registers are destroyed after a context switch solves the same problem as manually saving/restoring them with inline asm. The compiler will still make a function that obeys the calling convention.

The context-switch swaps to the new task's stack, so the compiler-generated save/restore code is always running with the appropriate stack pointer. Notice that the explicit push/pop instructions inside the inline asm int Linux 2.2 and 2.4 are before / after everything else.

Assembly and System Calls

Here's a trick to make progress quickly with these aspects of assembly: ask a C compiler to show you how it does it! Write a C program that does what you want to do and type gcc -S.


Manzana:ppc pascal$ cat t.c
#define NULL ((void*)0)
char *args[] = { "foo", NULL } ;
char *env[] = { "PATH=/bin", NULL } ;

int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

int main()

execve("/bin/bash", args, env);



Manzana:ppc pascal$ gcc -S -fno-PIC t.c  # added no-PIC for readability of generated code
Manzana:ppc pascal$ cat t.s
.globl _args
.ascii "foo\0"
.align 2
.long LC0
.long 0
.globl _env
.ascii "PATH=/bin\0"
.align 2
.long LC1
.long 0
.ascii "/bin/bash\0"
.globl _main
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $24, %esp
movl $_env, 8(%esp)
movl $_args, 4(%esp)
movl $LC2, (%esp)
call _execve

When does Linux x86-64 syscall clobber %r8, %r9 and %r10?

Only 32-bit system calls (e.g. via int 0x80) in 64-bit mode step on those registers, along with R11. (What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code?).

syscall properly saves/restores all regs including R8, R9, and R10, so user-space using it can assume they keep their values, except the RAX return value. (The kernel's syscall entry point even saves RCX and R11, but at that point they've already been overwritten by the syscall instruction itself with the original RIP and before-masking RFLAGS value.)

Those, with R11, are the non-legacy registers that are call-clobbered in the function-calling convention, so compiler-generated code for C functions inside the kernel naturally preserves R12-R15, even if an asm entry point didn't save them.

Currently the 64-bit int 0x80 entry point just pushes 0 for the call-clobbered R8-R11 registers in the process-state struct that it will restore from before returning to user space, instead of the original register values.

Historically, the int 0x80 entry point from 32-bit user-space didn't save/restore those registers at all. So their values were whatever compiler-generated kernel code left sitting around. This was thought to be innocent because 32-bit mode can't read those registers, until it was realized that user-space can far-jump to 64-bit mode, using the same CS value that the kernel uses for normal 64-bit user-space processes, selecting that system-wide GDT entry. So there was an actual info leak of kernel data, which was fixed by zeroing those registers.

IDK whether there used to be or still is a separate entry point from 64-bit user-space vs. 32-bit, or how they differ in struct pt_regs layout. The historical situation where int 0x80 leaked r8..r11 wouldn't have made sense for 64-bit user-space; that leak would have been obvious. So if they're unified now, they must not have been in the past.

Hello, world in assembly language with Linux system calls?

How does $ work in NASM, exactly? explains how $ - msg gets NASM to calculate the string length as an assemble-time constant for you, instead of hard-coding it.

I originally wrote the rest of this for SO Docs (topic ID: 1164, example ID: 19078), rewriting a basic less-well-commented example by @runner. This looks like a better place to put it than as part of my answer to another question where I had previously moved it after the SO docs experiment ended.

Making a system call is done by putting arguments into registers, then running int 0x80 (32-bit mode) or syscall (64-bit mode). What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on i386 and x86-64 and The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls.

Think of int 0x80 as a way to "call" into the kernel, across the user/kernel privilege boundary. The kernel does stuff according to the values that were in registers when int 0x80 executed, then eventually returns. The return value is in EAX.

When execution reaches the kernel's entry point, it looks at EAX and dispatches to the right system call based on the call number in EAX. Values from other registers are passed as function args to the kernel's handler for that system call. (e.g. eax=4 / int 0x80 will get the kernel to call its sys_write kernel function, implementing the POSIX write system call.)

And see also What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code? - that answer includes a look at the asm in the kernel entry point that is "called" by int 0x80. (Also applies to 32-bit user-space, not just 64-bit where you shouldn't use int 0x80).

If you don't already know low-level Unix systems programming, you might want to just write functions in asm that take args and return a value (or update arrays via a pointer arg) and call them from C or C++ programs. Then you can just worry about learning how to handle registers and memory, without also learning the POSIX system-call API and the ABI for using it. That also makes it very easy to compare your code with compiler output for a C implementation. Compilers usually do a pretty good job at making efficient code, but are rarely perfect.

libc provides wrapper functions for system calls, so compiler-generated code would call write rather than invoking it directly with int 0x80 (or if you care about performance, sysenter). (In x86-64 code, use syscall for the 64-bit ABI.) See also syscalls(2).

System calls are documented in section 2 manual pages, like write(2). See the NOTES section for differences between the libc wrapper function and the underlying Linux system call. Note that the wrapper for sys_exit is _exit(2), not the exit(3) ISO C function that flushes stdio buffers and other cleanup first. There's also an exit_group system call that ends all threads. exit(3) actually uses that, because there's no downside in a single-threaded process.

This code makes 2 system calls:

  • sys_write(1, "Hello, World!\n", sizeof(...));
  • sys_exit(0);

I commented it heavily (to the point where it it's starting to obscure the actual code without color syntax highlighting). This is an attempt to point things out to total beginners, not how you should comment your code normally.

section .text             ; Executable code goes in the .text section
global _start ; The linker looks for this symbol to set the process entry point, so execution start here
;;;a name followed by a colon defines a symbol. The global _start directive modifies it so it's a global symbol, not just one that we can CALL or JMP to from inside the asm.
;;; note that _start isn't really a "function". You can't return from it, and the kernel passes argc, argv, and env differently than main() would expect.
;;; write(1, msg, len);
; Start by moving the arguments into registers, where the kernel will look for them
mov edx,len ; 3rd arg goes in edx: buffer length
mov ecx,msg ; 2nd arg goes in ecx: pointer to the buffer
;Set output to stdout (goes to your terminal, or wherever you redirect or pipe)
mov ebx,1 ; 1st arg goes in ebx: Unix file descriptor. 1 = stdout, which is normally connected to the terminal.

mov eax,4 ; system call number (from SYS_write / __NR_write from unistd_32.h).
int 0x80 ; generate an interrupt, activating the kernel's system-call handling code. 64-bit code uses a different instruction, different registers, and different call numbers.
;; eax = return value, all other registers unchanged.

;;;Second, exit the process. There's nothing to return to, so we can't use a ret instruction (like we could if this was main() or any function with a caller)
;;; If we don't exit, execution continues into whatever bytes are next in the memory page,
;;; typically leading to a segmentation fault because the padding 00 00 decodes to add [eax],al.

;;; _exit(0);
xor ebx,ebx ; first arg = exit status = 0. (will be truncated to 8 bits). Zeroing registers is a special case on x86, and mov ebx,0 would be less efficient.
;; leaving out the zeroing of ebx would mean we exit(1), i.e. with an error status, since ebx still holds 1 from earlier.
mov eax,1 ; put __NR_exit into eax
int 0x80 ;Execute the Linux function

section .rodata ; Section for read-only constants

;; msg is a label, and in this context doesn't need to be msg:. It could be on a separate line.
;; db = Data Bytes: assemble some literal bytes into the output file.
msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa ; ASCII string constant plus a newline (0x10)

;; No terminating zero byte is needed, because we're using write(), which takes a buffer + length instead of an implicit-length string.
;; To make this a C string that we could pass to puts or strlen, we'd need a terminating 0 byte. (e.g. "...", 0x10, 0)

len equ $ - msg ; Define an assemble-time constant (not stored by itself in the output file, but will appear as an immediate operand in insns that use it)
; Calculate len = string length. subtract the address of the start
; of the string from the current position ($)
;; equivalently, we could have put a str_end: label after the string and done len equ str_end - str

Notice that we don't store the string length in data memory anywhere. It's an assemble-time constant, so it's more efficient to have it as an immediate operand than a load. We could also have pushed the string data onto the stack with three push imm32 instructions, but bloating the code-size too much isn't a good thing.

On Linux, you can save this file as Hello.asm and build a 32-bit executable from it with these commands:

nasm -felf32 Hello.asm                  # assemble as 32-bit code.  Add -Worphan-labels -g -Fdwarf  for debug symbols and warnings
gcc -static -nostdlib -m32 Hello.o -o Hello # link without CRT startup code or libc, making a static binary

See this answer for more details on building assembly into 32 or 64-bit static or dynamically linked Linux executables, for NASM/YASM syntax or GNU AT&T syntax with GNU as directives. (Key point: make sure to use -m32 or equivalent when building 32-bit code on a 64-bit host, or you will have confusing problems at run-time.)

You can trace its execution with strace to see the system calls it makes:

$ strace ./Hello 
execve("./Hello", ["./Hello"], [/* 72 vars */]) = 0
[ Process PID=4019 runs in 32 bit mode. ]
write(1, "Hello, world!\n", 14Hello, world!
) = 14
_exit(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++

Compare this with the trace for a dynamically linked process (like gcc makes from hello.c, or from running strace /bin/ls) to get an idea just how much stuff happens under the hood for dynamic linking and C library startup.

The trace on stderr and the regular output on stdout are both going to the terminal here, so they interfere in the line with the write system call. Redirect or trace to a file if you care. Notice how this lets us easily see the syscall return values without having to add code to print them, and is actually even easier than using a regular debugger (like gdb) to single-step and look at eax for this. See the bottom of the x86 tag wiki for gdb asm tips. (The rest of the tag wiki is full of links to good resources.)

The x86-64 version of this program would be extremely similar, passing the same args to the same system calls, just in different registers and with syscall instead of int 0x80. See the bottom of What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code? for a working example of writing a string and exiting in 64-bit code.

related: A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux. The smallest binary file you can run that just makes an exit() system call. That is about minimizing the binary size, not the source size or even just the number of instructions that actually run.

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