Why Proc Process Faster Than Others

Why is proc upload so slow?

FTP, if available from the source server, is much faster than proc upload or proc copy. These both operate on a record-by-record basis and can be CPU-bound over fast network connections, especially for very wide datasets. A single FTP transfer will attempt to use all available bandwidth, with negligible CPU cost.

This assumes that the destination server can use the unmodified transferred file - if not, the time required to make it usable might negate the increased transfer speed of FTP.

Multiprocessing in Python not faster than doing it sequentially

Multiprocessing is faster if you have multiple cores and do the parallelization properly. In your example you create 3000 processes which causes enormous amount on context switching between them. Instead of that use Pool to schedule the jobs for processes:

def bubbleSort(alist):

sample_list = (getRandomSample(alist, 100))

for passnum in range(len(sample_list)-1,0,-1):
for i in range(passnum):
if sample_list[i]>alist[i+1]:
temp = alist[i]
sample_list[i] = alist[i+1]
sample_list[i+1] = temp

if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=4)
for x in pool.imap_unordered(bubbleSort, (myArray for x in range(3000))):

I removed all the output and did some tests on my 4 core machine. As expected the code above was about 4 times faster than your sequential example.

MPI with C slower if more processes are used

The new code using MPI_Reduce() is faster and simpler than the previous one:

Based on the code presented at http://condor.cc.ku.edu/~grobe/docs/intro-MPI-C.shtml

Code which calculate the sum of a vector using parallel computation.
In case of main vector does not split equally to all processes, the leftover is passed to process id 0.
Process id 0 is the root process. However, it will also perform part of calculations.

Each process will generate and calculate the partial sum of the vector values. It will be used MPI_Reduce() to calculate the total sum.
Since the processes are independent, the printing order will be different at each run.

compile as: mpicc -o vector_sum vector_sum.c -lm
run as: time mpirun -n x vector_sum

x = number of splits desired + root process. For example: if x = 3, the vector will be splited in two.

Acknowledgements: I would like to thanks Gilles Gouaillardet (https://stackoverflow.com/users/8062491/gilles-gouaillardet) for the helpful suggestion.


#define vec_len 100000000
double vec2[vec_len];

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
// defining program variables
int i;
double sum, partial_sum;

// defining parallel step variables
int my_id, num_proc, ierr, an_id, root_process;
int vec_size, rows_per_proc, leftover, num_2_gen, start_point;

vec_size = 1e8; // defining the main vector size

ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

root_process = 0;

ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_proc);
ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id);

rows_per_proc = vec_size/num_proc; // getting the number of elements for each process.
rows_per_proc = floor(rows_per_proc); // getting the maximum integer possible.
leftover = vec_size - num_proc*rows_per_proc; // counting the leftover.

if(my_id == 0){
num_2_gen = rows_per_proc + leftover; // if there is leftover, it is calculate in process 0
start_point = my_id*num_2_gen; // the corresponding position on the main vector
num_2_gen = rows_per_proc;
start_point = my_id*num_2_gen + leftover; // the corresponding position on the main vector

partial_sum = 0;
for(i = start_point; i < start_point + num_2_gen; i++){
vec2[i] = pow(i,2) + 1.0; // defining vector values
partial_sum += vec2[i]; // calculating partial sum

printf("Partial sum of process id %d: %f.\n", my_id, partial_sum);

MPI_Reduce(&partial_sum, &sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, root_process, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // calculating total sum

if(my_id == root_process){
printf("Total sum is %f.\n", sum);

ierr = MPI_Finalize();
return 0;


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