Why Doesn't ''Var=Value Echo $Var'' Emit Value

Why can't I specify an environment variable and echo it in the same command line?

What you see is the expected behaviour. The trouble is that the parent shell evaluates $SOMEVAR on the command line before it invokes the command with the modified environment. You need to get the evaluation of $SOMEVAR deferred until after the environment is set.

Your immediate options include:

  1. SOMEVAR=BBB eval echo zzz '$SOMEVAR' zzz.
  2. SOMEVAR=BBB sh -c 'echo zzz $SOMEVAR zzz'.

Both these use single quotes to prevent the parent shell from evaluating $SOMEVAR; it is only evaluated after it is set in the environment (temporarily, for the duration of the single command).

Another option is to use the sub-shell notation (as also suggested by Marcus Kuhn in his answer):

(SOMEVAR=BBB; echo zzz $SOMEVAR zzz)

The variable is set only in the sub-shell

In Bash, why `x=100 echo $x` doesn't print anything?

The $x is expanded before echo runs, and the result is passed to echo as an argument. echo does not use the value of x in its environment.

In the first example, read uses the value of IFS in its environment to split the string it receives via the here string.

Why does sourcing a script with set var = value break $@?

set is not used to modify shell variables in POSIX-compliant shells. Rather, when given positional arguments, it modifies the command-line argument list.

If you just want to assign a value to a variable, don't use set. Instead, your file should just contain:


...and "$@" will remain in its original state.

How can i modify a var value inside a function?

The listener is asynchronous, if you put the println statement below the username = line, then it will print.

In fact, go ahead and do that; observe the timestamps; which one prints first? The empty one or the one inside the callback?

the var is being modified by the callback, but the println executes first, long before (in computer times, that is) Firebase emits its value.

Additionally, I would invert the order of the mDatabase lines.
You are essentially requesting a value and then listening for results; the result may have already been emitted. You should add the listener first, then request the data.

Update: what if I need the value for another callback?

Welcome to the world of asynchronous programming :-)

What you describe is a set of independent asynchronous operations. You need value A, and value B, but you can't obtain value B, until you have value A. Both are asynchronous and take time, but you don't have time on the main thread, or rather, you have ~16ms to compute, measure, and draw your screen so the OS can keep up with 60 frames per second. That's not a lot of time and part of the reason why asynchronous programming exists!

This other answer already provides a working sample of what you need. This other external link has a more concrete example of the Observer Listener pattern.

In short, what you want is an instance of an object which can be invoked once the an operation completes.

In a regular synchronous function, each statement is executed after the other and no statement will be executed until the previous one is not finished; all statements are therefore, blocking statements.

For example:

var times = 2
var message = "Hello"
var world = "World"
println("The message is $message $times")

Will print:

The message is Hello 2

This is because the execution point will go from one line to the other, waiting for the previous one to execute. If one operation takes time, the thread will be blocked (from performing anything else) until that operation completes and the execution point can move to the next instruction.

As you can imagine, the Main Thread in iOS and Android (and well, Windows, macOS, Linux, etc) cannot be blocked, or the OS wouldn't be able to respond to your touches and other things happening (for e.g., on a mobile phone, an incoming phone call wouldn't be able to be processed if the UI is not responsive and you cannot tap "answer").

This is why we use other "threads" to off-load things that are not super fast. This comes with a mindset change, as well as correct planning, for things are now more complicated.

Let's see a simple example (some pseudo code, so bear any obvious glaring mistakes, this is just to illustrate the point, not to write a solution).

fun main() {
var hello = "Hello"
var message = thisTakesTime()
println("The message is $hello $message")

fun thisTakesTime(): String {
// do something that takes 1 second (1000 ms)
return "World"

This will print

The message is Hello World

As you can see, nothing changed, except that for one entire second, the main thread was unresponsive. If you were to run this on Android, for example, it will work, but your app will not respond for a second, during the Thread.sleep. One second is fast, try 10 seconds; this exceeds the Android Operating System limit of 5 seconds for the main thread to be unresponsive, before deciding the ANR (application not responding) dialog is needed; this is the infamous "It looks like XXX application is not responding, wait or close".

What can you do?

Initially, if you have too many callbacks (where callback A cannot execute until callback B finished, and callback B cannot execute until callback C finished), and you start nesting them like that, you end up in the infamous Callback-Hell (in Javascript, but valid for any language/platform).

Basically tracking all these asynchronous callbacks and ensuring that by the time the response comes, your next callback is ready, and so forth is a pain, and it introduces exponential complexity if, for example, callback C fails in the middle, now you have to let callback B know that C failed and therefore it will have to fail too, which -in turn- has to let callback A (the original!) know that B failed, and therefore A has to do something about it, does A need to know that B failed because of C? or does A only cares for B and B alone and the reasons behind B's failure are irrelevant?

Well, as you can see, even talking about this gets complicated and messy and I didn't even cover other possible scenarios, equally as complex.

What I'm trying to say here is not that you shouldn't use callbacks; it's that you have to carefully plan where, and when to use them.

Kotlin has alternatives to reduce/remove the callback hell by using Coroutines but these are a moderately advanced topic and it also requires a fundamental change in how you design your components and pieces.

All in all, for your use case, remember the golden rule of OOP: Make small concrete classes that do very few things, and do them well. If you need to start adding too many if () all over the place, then chances are you're mixing business logic, random decisions, and "whatabout" cases all over the place.

Imagine you have a class that processes Location data and uploads it to a server.

You may be tempted to:

  1. Write all the code in the Activity/Fragment (or ViewModel); quickly becomes a mess.
  2. Create a LocationUtils with static methods (or singleton pattern); a mess already, but also hard to test, and mock. What if you need more than one type of processing? Or what if you want to store them in a database, are you going to add more static methods?
  3. Create a small LocationProcessor class, that receives two points (lat/long) does the processing in a small function, and returns the processed data, then create another class called LocationUploader, that receives clean input from a Processor, and uploads it to a server. None of these classes should think about "what if I don't have permissions, what if the user turns location off", etc. These are problems that exceed the responsibility of a class whose intention was to process location coordinates, nothing else. There should be other classes responsible for that. Remember, small classes, small responsibilities == less to worry about in a single file.


Well, at this point there are better answers which will give you the copy-paste version of what you're looking for; I believe the concept you have to take out of this wall of text today, is that in order to write modern, testable, and simple functional code, a change in how you plan things must happen.

Long story short: when things are not synchronous, you need to keep something (an object) ready to be called back (hence the name callback), listening (or observing) (hence why we call them listener or observers), the emission of something (usually called an Observable, because it can be "observed").

Good luck!

EventEmitter in child component does not refresh value in parent ngIf (Angular 9)

I think calling endAnimation from gsap breaks out of Angular zone and there is no change detection call happen after firing hideAnimation to update showAnimation so you have some options

1) use ChangeDetectorRef

constructor(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {

public hideAnimation(value: boolean) {
this.showAnimation = value;

2) use NgZone

 constructor(@Inject(ElementRef) private elementRef: ElementRef, private zone: NgZone) { }

ngOnInit() {
var arg = this.show;

gsap.from("#logo", { duration: 3, x: 300, opacity: 0, scale: 0.5,
onCompleteParams: [arg,this.zone], onComplete: this.endAnimation });

public endAnimation(status: EventEmitter<boolean>,zone): void {
zone.run(() => {

Global variable's value doesn't change after for Loop

here is the refactored code: you can pass/change specific value for date of consumption. In this case you don't need reducer. my first answer was to query max comsumption from input, and this answer is to query user provided consumption from input.
setup method will get user provided value for mapper.maxConsumption.date and pass them to map method.
cleaup method in reducer scans all max consumption customers and writes final max in input (i.e, 5 in this case) - see screen shot for detail execution log:

run as:

hadoop jar maxConsumption.jar -Dmapper.maxConsumption.date="2013-07-01 01:00:00" Data/input.txt output/maxConsupmtion5

C11FA586148,2013-07-01 01:00:00,3
C11FA586152,2015-09-01 15:22:22,3
C11FA586168,2015-02-01 15:22:22,1
C11FA586258,2013-07-01 01:00:00,5
C11FA586413,2013-07-01 01:00:00,5
C11UA487446,2013-09-01 15:22:22,3
C11UA487446,2013-07-01 01:00:00,3
C11FA586148,2013-07-01 01:00:00,4

C11FA586258 5
C11FA586413 5

public class maxConsumption  extends Configured implements Tool{

public static class DataMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable> {
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date dateInFile, filterDate;
int lineno=0;
private final static Text customer = new Text();
private final static IntWritable consumption = new IntWritable();
private final static Text maxConsumptionDate = new Text();

public void setup(Context context) {
Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();

public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException{
filterDate = ft.parse(maxConsumptionDate.toString());
//map data from line/file
String[] fields = value.toString().split(",");
dateInFile = ft.parse(fields[1].trim());

if(dateInFile.equals(filterDate)) //only send to reducer if date filter matches....
context.write(new Text(customer), consumption);
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Invaid Data at line: " + lineno + " Error: " + e.getMessage());

public static class DataReducer extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> {
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> maxConsumption = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
int max=0;
System.out.print("reducer received: " + key + " [ ");
for(IntWritable value: values){
System.out.print( value.get() + " ");
if(value.get() > max)
System.out.println( " ]");
System.out.println(key.toString() + " max is " + max);
maxConsumption.put(key.toString(), max);

protected void cleanup(Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
int max=0;
//first find the max from reducer
for (String key : maxConsumption.keySet()){
System.out.println("cleaup customer : " + key.toString() + " consumption : " + maxConsumption.get(key)
+ " max: " + max);
if(maxConsumption.get(key) > max)

System.out.println("final max is: " + max);
//write only the max value from map
for (String key : maxConsumption.keySet()){
if(maxConsumption.get(key) == max)
context.write(new Text(key), new IntWritable(maxConsumption.get(key)));

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int res = ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new maxConsumption(), args);

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.err.println("Usage: -Dmapper.maxConsumption.date=\"2013-07-01 01:00:00\" <in> <out>");
Configuration conf = this.getConf();
Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, "get-max-consumption");

FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0]));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1]));
FileSystem fs = null;
Path dstFilePath = new Path(args[1]);
try {
fs = dstFilePath.getFileSystem(conf);
if (fs.exists(dstFilePath))
fs.delete(dstFilePath, true);
} catch (IOException e1) {
return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;


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