Vim Pauses If Echo in .Vimrc File

Vim pauses if echo in .vimrc file

:silent !echo Hello

will do the trick.


From the OP, this worked:

let colorScheme = "evening"
silent execute "!echo setting color scheme to " . colorScheme

how to have an echo statement run after vimrc has loaded?

Add this to your vimrc:

" when Vim starts with no file
if argc() == 0
autocmd VimEnter * echo "Nr. of Colors: " . &t_Co

how to have an echo statement run after vimrc has loaded?

Add this to your vimrc:

" when Vim starts with no file
if argc() == 0
autocmd VimEnter * echo "Nr. of Colors: " . &t_Co

Using custom vimrc on mac causes syntax highlighting to be lost

If you have no vimrc, vim loads a defaults.vim file, but once you add a custom vimrc, vim stops loading that file. This was introduced in Vim 8.0, and you can get more info by typing :h defaults.vim within vim, but here are your options to fix the issue:


Source the defaults.vim file into your .vimrc (this is the method mentioned in the vim help files - see :help defaults.vim). Just add these lines to the top of your .vimrc:

unlet! skip_defaults_vim    
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim


Copy the stuff you like from defaults.vim into your own config.
This involves a few steps:

  1. Figure out what $VIMRUNTIME is set to by typing :echo $VIMRUNTIME inside of vim and hitting enter.
  2. Navigate to the directory it returns (for me this was /usr/local/share/vim/vim80/) and find the defaults.vim file.
  3. Copy and paste any of the settings that you want into your own .vimrc.

Hope this helps!

Vim freezes after pressing CTRL-U in insert mode. Any suggestions?

I've copied your vimrc and used it. Same effect. It's this line:

imap <C-U> <C-G>u<C-U>

which apparently causes a recursion. When commented out, <C-u> erases back to start-of-line.

Execute a line in vimrc at the end

Your hypothesis that plugins are overriding your settings is probably right. Putting your code at the end of vimrc would also not help as vimrc is loaded before plugins.

One way to get around this is to use after directory.
Create a file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/text.vim

Add your code to this file.
Vim will load this script after it loads plugins.

Is there a vim runtime log?

running vim with the -V[N] option will do a pretty hefty runtime log, here N is the debug level.

vim -V9myVim.log

would create a log of debug level 9 in the current directory with the filename myVim.log

Vim Leader Shortcut Stops Executing After CR

If you need the <F8> map in the <leader>y map you need to use a recursive map. Change nnoremap (which means non-recursive map) to nmap:

nmap <leader>y :tabnew ~/.vim-clipboard<CR><F8>

Recursive maps are documented in :help recursive_mapping

Vim not recognizing aliases when in interactive mode?

I got this to work, via the man page for bash:

set shell=/bin/bash\ --rcfile\ ~/.bash_profile

Similarly, --init-file works.

Note that \ -i is not necessary, though it can be added to the command:

set shell=/bin/bash\ --rcfile\ ~/.bash_profile\ -i


~/.bash_profile contains

  source ~/.bash_aliases

~/.bash_aliases contains

  alias rdc="open -a \"Remote Desktop Connection\""

~/.vimrc contains

  set shell=/bin/bash\ --rcfile\ ~/.bash_profile
map ,r :!rdc &<cr>

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