G++ Error: Expected ; Before "It"

g++ error: expected ; before it

I think you just need to add 'typename' to tell the compiler that MapSuperClass::const_iterator is a type:

typename MapSuperClass::const_iterator it = mMap->begin(); // line 50

Because MaySuperClass is a class template parameter, the assumption is that the const_iterator member is a field. Using typename informs the compiler that it is in fact a type.

More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typename#A_method_for_indicating_that_a_dependent_name_is_a_type

GCC template : error : expected ',' or '...' before ' ' token

There's a lot of issues with the code that prevent from compilation:

  1. The functions fibon_seq and is_size_ok are not defined. You have to define them in this file or include them with a #define macro.
  2. The code appears to be including the std namespace. You need to include this with using namespace std;, usually at the beginning of the code, after library includes.
  3. The variable msg is passed as an argument in a function, but it's not defined.
  4. This function call display_message(msg, size); is being passed the wrong argument. size is an integer, but the function expects vector<int>.
    5.ocnst is a typo. It should be const.

Linux g++ compile error: error: expected ',' or '...' before '||' token

or is reserved in C++ (§2.12/2 C++11). It's an alternative token for || (§2.6/2), so you can't use it for an identifier. Rename the variable from or to something else to solve this problem.

Cf. this existing post for further details on alternative tokens.

error: expected ';' before '' token

Probably you are missing a semicolon at the end of what's on the previous line.

If you have no code before that line, then it is a missing semicolon at the end of one of your included header files.

For example you can reproduce this error using:

#include <vector>
class C


std::vector< std::vector<int> > data;

c - creating a makefile causes error expected ‘;’, ‘,’ or ‘)’ before ‘*’ token

Looking at your pastebin your files that are being compiled are corrupted and not the same as the ones you've show us here.

According to the pastebin output, the mazeDisplay.h file contains this text:

extern void drawMaze(char maze[21][21]);

extern void drawGraph(Node *firstNodeOfGraph);

extern int openDisplayWindow();

extern int closeDisplayWindow();

extern void drawNodeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int color);

extern void drawEdgeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int

(comments etc. are elided by the preprocessor). Note how this file ends right in the middle of the function declaration for drawEdgeWithColor().

This is why you're seeing the syntax error you get: because the end of this last line in the mazeDisplay.h file is missing.

All I can suggest is that when you copied these files over to your virtual machine, you somehow didn't copy the entire file but missed the last few characters.

It's usually better to use something like scp to copy files. But another important lesson here is that when asking for help be sure to provide the actual files you're working with, cut and pasted from the system where you're compiling them, rather than publishing other files you think are the same... they might not be. People cannot help you if the information given to them is not accurate.

In addition to that there's also something odd in your mazes.c file; it looks like you tried to insert the contents of the graphSet.h file directly into the mazes.c file; you don't need to do that and you should definitely not include both of them.

error: expected `;' before ‘T’

It looks like the name of your class time is a reserved word and cannot be used. If you change it to mytime, like I did here, you'll find it works as expected.

I'm going to have to find out why time is a reserved word or what's going on.

Apparently your class name conflicts with a global ::time struct, which would make sense as to why it isn't accepted by the compiler.

If you really want to use a time class you should create your own namespace and put it in there.

namespace tony { class time {}; } int main() { tony::time t; } This should remove the name conflict.

g++ compiler error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘’ token only on Mac

It's a compiler bug in Apple's version. I think you can work it around by naming your parameter and adding parents around your default value:

void printother(const std::vector<std::pair<float,float> >& ref = (std::vector<std::pair<float,float> >()));
^ ^ ^

C++ Game Programming. Error: expected ')' before ':' token

As already pointer out, you should try including C++'s string.

#include <string>

However, if that's your problem, the compiler should have said string is not in the std namespace.

To me it looks like the compiler doesn't know about the :: namespace operator.

The possible cause is that you're using a C compiler instead of a C++ compiler.

C doesn't have a notion of namespace, and it has no std::string.

Make sure your source file's extension is a C++ one (like .cpp) as opposed to C (.c).

Depending on your compiler, you might need to tell it you mean C++ and not C.
If you're using gcc, try g++ instead.

Adding C++ code in C program - expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘this’

Those weren't keywords in C, they are in C++.

You will have to rename those parameters before the code will compile in C++.

You may run into other porting issues related to C++'s stricter type checking before you are done.

Another option is to keep the C and C++ code in separate files, and use extern "C" in the C++ code for every function call that must cross the boundary. Since your C code extensively uses nested functions and other features not permitted in C++, this is probably your quickest approach.

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