Using Bash History to Get a Previous Command, Copy It and Then 'Run' It But with the Command Commented

Using bash history to get a previous command, copy it and then 'run' it but with the command commented

I'd suggest instead of using the history command, you use ctrl+r and start typing that command. When you press an arrow key as if to go to modify it, it will drop out of autocomplete recognition, and will let you edit before running.

UPDATE: also, if you want to cycle through the different commands that contain the string you just typed, keep on pressing ctrl+r

History comment character

This is how I understand it:

There is the "normal" comment character, #, which can't be changed. It indicates the start of a comment in scripts and in interactive sessions (unless the interactive_comments shell option is disabled), and everything from that character on is ignored.

The history comment character can be set using histchars; the default value is !^#.

  • ! is used to indicate history expansion (like "repeat previous command": !!)

  • ^ is to substitute something in the previous command:

    $ echo foo foo
    foo foo
    $ ^foo^bar^ # final ^ is optional
    bar foo

  • # is the history comment character.

The history comment character is used:

  • In ~/.bash_history, to mark timestamps as comments when HISTTIMEFORMAT is set:

    echo foo
    vim ~/.bash_history

    Notice how the timestamp prefix switches to @ after the second command.

  • To skip history substitution for the remaining words on a line:

    $ echo foo
    $ echo !$ @ !$ # !$
    foo @ foo
    $ histchars='!^@'
    $ echo foo
    $ echo !$ @ !$ # !$
    foo @ !$

    !$ is "the last word of the previous command". With the default settings (history comment character is #), echo !$ @ !$ # !$ expands to echo foo @ foo # !$ and prints foo @ foo; everything after # is ignored. When switching the history comment character to @, the second !$ is not expanded to foo any longer.

When would you use that? I honestly don't know, and it really only applies to interactive shell sessions, where the default of # make total sense, and anything else would be highly surprising behaviour to me. I can't find anything in the Bash release notes to explain what the intended purpose of being able to separately set the history comment character is.

How do I access the last command from a zsh function?

Using Gairfowl's answer with the associative array, I was able to formulate an appropriate solution:

function invim {                                              
vim $(bash -c ${history[@][1]})

Here's how it works:

  1. ${history[@][1]} is the text of the latest command, for example, find . -type f -name "*.txt"
  2. Run that command in a shell using bash -c
  3. The resulting stdout is captured by the enclosing $(), and is then passed to vim as the filename(s) to edit. There are no enclosing quotes here to allow for multiple line outputs to all be opened.

Preserve bash history in multiple terminal windows

Add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

# Avoid duplicates
# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it
shopt -s histappend

# After each command, append to the history file and reread it
PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND$'\n'}history -a; history -c; history -r"

How to use arguments from previous command?

Just as M-. (meta-dot or esc-dot or alt-dot) is the readline function yank-last-arg, M-C-y (meta-control-y or esc-ctrl-y or ctrl-alt-y) is the readline function yank-nth-arg. Without specifying n, it yanks the first argument of the previous command.

To specify an argument, press Escape and a number or hold Alt and press a number. You can do Alt--to begin specifying a negative number then release Alt and press the digit (this will count from the end of the list of arguments.


Enter the following command

$ echo a b c d e f g
a b c d e f g

Now at the next prompt, type echo (with a following space), then

Press Alt-Ctrl-y and you'll now see:

$ echo a

without pressing Enter yet, do the following

Press Alt-3 Alt-Ctrl-y

Press Alt-- 2 Alt-Ctrl-y

Now you will see:

$ echo ace

By the way, you could have put the echo on the line by selecting argument 0:

Press Alt-0 Alt-Ctrl-y


To answer the question you added to your original:

You can press Alt-0 then repeatedly press Alt-. to step through the previous commands (arg 0). Similarly Alt-- then repeating Alt-. would allow you to step through the previous next-to-last arguments.

If there is no appropriate argument on a particular line in history, the bell will be rung.

If there is a particular combination you use frequently, you can define a macro so one keystroke will perform it. This example will recall the second argument from previous commands by pressing Alt-Shift-Y. You could choose any available keystroke you prefer instead of this one. You can press it repeatedly to step through previous ones.

To try it out, enter the macro at a Bash prompt:

bind '"\eY": "\e2\e."'

To make it persistent, add this line to your ~/.inputrc file:

"\eY": "\e2\e."

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for arg 0 or negative argument numbers.

How can I recall the argument of the previous bash command?

You can use $_ or !$ to recall the last argument of the previous command.

Also Alt + . can be used to recall the last argument of any of the previous commands.

.bash_history does not update in Git for Windows (git bash)

I put this in my ~/.bash_profile

PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

Bash reg-exp substitution

Unfortunately, no, there's not really a better way. If you're just tired of making the keystrokes, you can use macros to trim them down. Add the following to your ~/.inputrc:

"\C-x6": "\C-a#\C-m^"
"\C-x7": "\C-m\C-P\C-a\C-d\C-m"

Now, in a new bash instance (or after reloading .inputrc in your current shell by pressing C-x C-r), you can do the following:

  1. Type a bogus command (e.g., ls abcxyz).
  2. Press Ctrl-x, then 6. The macro inserts a # at the beginning of the line, executes the commented line, and types your first ^.
  3. Type your correction (e.g., xyz^def).
  4. Press Ctrl-x, then 7. The macro completes your substitution, then goes up to the previous (commented) line, removes the comment character, and executes it again.

It's not exactly elegant, but I think it's the best you're going to get with readline.

PowerShell's Clear-History doesn't clear history


  • There are two histories to clear:

    • PowerShell's own (Clear-History)
    • Additionally, in consoles (terminals), that of the PSReadLine module that is used for command-line editing by default in PowerShell v5+ ([Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ClearHistory())
  • In versions 1.2+ of PSReadLine (verify with Get-Module PSReadLine) pressing Alt+F7 performs both calls for you, and therefore fully clears the in-session history.

    • However, it does not clear the saved history that has accumulated up to this point, so even the cleared session's history will resurface in future sessions.

    • To also clear the saved history, you have to manually delete the file in which the saved session is stored ((Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath), as discussed below, and as wrapped by the Clear-SavedHistory function in the bottom section.

To complement CB.'s helpful answer and JVimes's helpful answer:

  • PowerShell's own history mechanism (Get-History, Clear-History) is host-independent, which is why - somewhat unexpectedly - you also need to clear the hosts's command history separately.

  • As for the console host's own history feature:

    • doskey-style history feature, before module PSReadline shipped with PowerShell (see below):

      • There is no saved history - a history is kept only for the duration of the current session.
      • Alt+F7 must be used to clear the console's history, with no (obvious) programmatic way to do it (in a cmd.exe console window you could use doskey /reinstall, but that doesn't work in PS).
      • CB.'s answer shows you how to simulate this keyboard combination; remember: this must be used in addition to Clear-History.
    • The PSReadline module comes with PowerShell v5 and v5.1 on Windows 10 and will also ship with Windows Server 2016, and also ships with the cross-platform Powershell (Core) v7+ edition; it replaces the doskey-style line-editing and command-history features with more sophisticated functionality; it is also possible to retrofit older Windows editions / PS versions (>= v3) versions with it, using the PowerShell Gallery (PSv3 and PSv4 must first install PowerShellGet).

      • Command history is now saved across sessions, in file

      • [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ClearHistory() can be used to clear the current session's history (note that v1.2+ also supports Alt+F7 for interactive clearing of the current history).
        • CAVEAT: With PSReadline's default history-saving style, SaveIncrementally, any sensitive commands have already been saved by the time to you call [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ClearHistory(), and will reappear in the next session.
        • The only way to handle this is to remove the saved-history file, as demonstrated in JVimes's answer which, however, invariably wipes out the entire history.
        • IF you set up your profile to call Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveAtExit every time a session starts - the setting apparenly does NOT "stick" by itself - you should be able to get away with only calling [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ClearHistory() (in addition to Clear-History) without also having to delete the saved-history file, in which case you won't lose your saved history from previous sessions. HOWEVER, AS OF v2.1.0 (the latest as of this writing), SaveAtExit is BROKEN ALTOGETHER - no history is saved at all; see

The following advanced function bundles all commands necessary to clear the command history (both for PowerShell itself and the console), both for doskey-style and PSReadline-module PowerShell console windows:


  • Because it's (currently) the only safe option, PSReadline's saved-history file is deleted as well, which means the entire history, including from previous sessions, is cleared.

  • Therefore, a confirmation prompt is shown by default.

# Clears the command history, including the saved-to-file history, if applicable.
function Clear-SavedHistory {
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='High', SupportsShouldProcess)]

# Debugging: For testing you can simulate not having PSReadline loaded with
# Remove-Module PSReadline -Force
$havePSReadline = ($null -ne (Get-Module -EA SilentlyContinue PSReadline))

Write-Verbose "PSReadline present: $havePSReadline"

$target = if ($havePSReadline) { "entire command history, including from previous sessions" } else { "command history" }

if (-not $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target))

if ($havePSReadline) {


# Remove PSReadline's saved-history file.
if (Test-Path (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath) {
# Abort, if the file for some reason cannot be removed.
Remove-Item -EA Stop (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath
# To be safe, we recreate the file (empty).
$null = New-Item -Type File -Path (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath

# Clear PowerShell's own history

# Clear PSReadline's *session* history.
# General caveat (doesn't apply here, because we're removing the saved-history file):
# * By default (-HistorySaveStyle SaveIncrementally), if you use
# [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ClearHistory(), any sensitive
# commands *have already been saved to the history*, so they'll *reappear in the next session*.
# * Placing `Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveAtExit` in your profile
# SHOULD help that, but as of PSReadline v1.2, this option is BROKEN (saves nothing).

} else { # Without PSReadline, we only have a *session* history.


# Clear the doskey library's buffer, used pre-PSReadline.
# !! Unfortunately, this requires sending key combination Alt+F7.
# Thanks,
$null = [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Windows.Forms")
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::Sendwait('%{F7 2}')

# Clear PowerShell's own history



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