Startup Script with Systemd in Linux

Startup script with systemd in Linux

Try using "Type=forking" and use complete filename.

Description=Start aquarium server

ExecStart=/bin/bash start


if it not work, post output of this command:

# journalctl -u aquarium.service

SystemD service script will work on Systemctl start {service script} but not on reboot

To run the service just before your system reboots. You need to add this dependency to your service file.

Description=put cloudify in maintenance mode on shutdown

ExecStart=/bin/cfy maintenance-mode activate


systemd doesn't run an application from bash script

Systemd will need to know how to run the script. Therefore either add:


to the top line of the script or change the ExecStart line in the systemd service file to:

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c /opt/somedir/

Also, to ensure that the processes spawned remain persistent after being spawned, change:


launch terminal and execute script from systemd after reboot

You can create user systemd scripts that might help you out (

Here is a brief example of how you can start a script in a terminal from systemd (not on Ubuntu at the moment so not sure this will work with the paths) goes in your systemd user folder, probably /etc/systemd/user/:

Description=Start Script in terminal

ExecStart=/usr/bin/xterm -hold -e /path/to/your/


This will run for me on my system (Arch) with systemctl --user start servicename.service

The trick will be getting it to start once you have a full graphical environment up (with the script I have given if you ran systemctl --user enable servicename.service it would almost certainly start before your window manager, since I am not in Ubuntu I can't test). This might help (last response): . They are an Ubuntu user that got a systemd service to run a graphical program after login.

If you can figure the start timing out you can create the service file, create/enable it at the end of your first script and then disable/delete it at the end of your second.

Execute an interactive script in systemd-based initramfs

Ok, my bad. I tought the sd-vconsole hook replaces the keyboard hook, but it did not. So my keyboard drivers were missing. (That's why changing to tty2 manually did not work - should have given me a clue).

If somebody has problems, removing TTYVTDisallocate makes debugging a bit easier.

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