Svn: E165001: Commit Blocked by Pre-Commit Hook (Exit Code 255) with No Output. How Can This Be Solved

Visual SVN : Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with no output

I'm also got the same issue, and I fixed it by doing the following..

  • If you observe the hooks folder you should replace the
    pre-commit.tmpl file with the pre-commit file which will we get from the Jira.

  • and one more thing is you need to set the python path in your environment variables.

SVN Error: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output: Error: n/a (6)

Sounds like have added a pre-commit hook, or have one that is now failing. If it's a free account, it might be you've exceeded some sort of monthly commit or bandwidth limit. Check their terms of service and/or contact them to see what's up.


I've just checked their website, and it looks like the free account is only valid for 30 days, so you might've exceeded that. You may need to pony up the £3.50pcm or find somewhere else (Google Code is one suggestion, though there are others).

Simon Groenewolt makes a good point that you may have changed something in the control panel on their website that has turned on a pre-commit hook but where it's configured incorrectly.

Pre Commit Hook for SVN not behaving as expected with Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect, while committing folder adds it's own comments. "Adding Folders". It only commits the addition at one time and content the next time. That is the reason the above hook failed as it was not 20 characters.

Post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with no output - Meaning of this? How to fix?

is my work getting committed successfully even with the error?

Yes. You have troubles with post-commit hook, which fired after adding transaction as new revision into repository

If my work is being committed, what is the problem?

Problem is post-commit hook, which exit with code 1 == Error (for some reason) instead of 0 == OK

I would like to know what the resolution is, if there is one.

Find used hook, read source, define why exit 1 was used for (some?) commits. Maybe disable hook at all

Error when try commit

Here's your problem:

Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 255) with output:

The person responsible for setting up Subversion in your company has created a pre-commit hook that executes before Subversion allows your commit to go through. If that pre-commit hook exits with a 0 error code, your commit goes through. Otherwise, it doesn't.

This exit code (255) is usually associated with a bad pre-commit hook that is careening out of control. There is nothing you personally can do. Instead contact the Subversion administrator and show them this output. They need to fix their pre-commit hook, or completely remove it.

How to modify commit message in pre-commit hook?

You should NOT do this in a pre-commit hook, if it is even possible. The SVN book says:

While hook scripts can do almost anything, there is one dimension in
which hook script authors should show restraint: do not modify a
commit transaction using hook scripts. While it might be tempting to
use hook scripts to automatically correct errors, shortcomings, or
policy violations present in the files being committed, doing so can
cause problems. Subversion keeps client-side caches of certain bits of
repository data, and if you change a commit transaction in this way,
those caches become indetectably stale. This inconsistency can lead to
surprising and unexpected behavior. Instead of modifying the
transaction, you should simply validate the transaction in the
pre-commit hook and reject the commit if it does not meet the desired
requirements. As a bonus, your users will learn the value of careful,
compliance-minded work habits.

If you don't want to include your commit comment by hand, you could always write a script that wraps svn commit and make everyone use it.

But...why do you need this in your commit message at all? You're using svn:externals, which when used properly, will already document the versions used. You are using them properly, with explicit revisions, aren't you?

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