Linux - Run Android Emulator on Nouveau Driver

Android emulator - unable to load driver

Had the same issue and my fix was to set the following env variable:


In my case I put it in ~/.bashrc.
With that being sent I start emulator as usual, i.e. from command line:

$ emulator -avd Nexus_4_API_23

Looks like it's a common well-known problem tracked in Android bug tracker:

Cannot start Android device emulator on Linux

It turned out that the problem was due to the same old NVidia driver problems with Linux. To fix the crash, I opened AVD Manager from Android Studio (Tools->Android->AVD Manager), and then opened the virtual device settings. Then in the Emulated Performance section, next to Graphics, I selected Software rather than Automatic or Hardware. This does the trick and no more crashes occur for the emulator, though it seems considerably slower, than it used to be when Emulated Performance presumably used Hardware by default. The following screenshots will hopefully give a better hint on the solution.

Sample Image

Sample Image

Not allow me to run the emulator on android studio for lack of driver in the operating system Ubuntu 16.04

Well , i found a solution for this problem.
I don't know what it's wrong with Android Studio but he can't execute the any emulator and the solution for me nowadays is execute the emulator by command,after that you install a emulator using android studio execute the command below because you need to have the emulator, in my case Nexus_5_API_21.

LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' ~/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5_API_21

i don't remeber exactly where i found this solution but i think it's on google forums

Cannot launch AVD in emulator Android Studio

Problem with the Sdk path.....

Linked the Sdk path instead of $ANDROID_HOME

  cd $ANDROID_HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/lib64/libstdc++
ln -s /usr/lib64/ $ANDROID_HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/lib64/libstdc++

In my case using path like that

 1. cd Desktop/blackgoogle/Android/Sdk/tools/lib64/libstdc++
2. mv
3. cd
4. ln -s /usr/lib64/ Desktop/blackgoogle/Android/Sdk/tools/lib64/libstdc++


Possibly duplicate of Cannot start Emulator in android studio

Android emulator freeze my whole system when it can't connect to adb daemon

If anyone ever stumbles upon this question facing the same issue than me, that was solved by getting rid of the Nouveau drivers and using Nvidia's proprietary drivers. A handful of other disturbing bugs on my computer were solved by doing just that.

I really don't understand why some Linux distribution still strongly advise to use the Nouveau drivers over Nvidia'as when they have a such a really poor support of the GPUs...

Android Emulator crashes with SIGSEGV on Ubuntu 18.04

After days of struggle I finally got it to work. The problem for me was that even if the OS was reporting Nvidia drivers as installed that was not the case. Checking with "lshw -c video" was showing that "nouveau" was in use regardless of how I was installing Nvidia ones - command line or using "Software & Updates" GUI.

What I've done was:

  • install Ubuntu 18.04 without the option to install 3rd party software for graphics
  • disable secure boot from BIOS. This was a key part which was preventing Nvidia drivers from being installed
  • install drivers from command line with "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390"

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