Start Script After Another One (Already Running) Finishes

Start script after another one (already running) finishes

Polling is probably the way to go, but it doesn't have to be horrible.

pid=$(ps -opid= -C your_script_name)
while [ -d /proc/$pid ] ; do
sleep 1
done && ./your_other_script

Linux: start a script after another has finished

Perhaps you didn't notice that the scripts you found were written for bash, not csh, but
you're trying to process them with the csh interpreter.

It looks like you've misunderstood what the original code was trying to do -- it was
intended to monitor an already-existing process, by looking up its process id using the process name.

You seem to be trying to start the first process from inside the ps command. But
in that case, there's no need for you to do anything so complicated -- all you need

csh testscript1
csh testscript2

Unless you go out of your way to run one of the scripts in the background,
the second script will not run until the first script is finished.

Although this has nothing to do with your problem, csh is more oriented toward
interactive use; for script writing, it's considered a poor choice, so you might be
better off learning bash instead.

Run python script after another script ends

The first thing I thought of is running both Python programs from within a shell script so the 2nd one simply starts when the first one ends:

python -m
python -m

If the first script is already running, or started outside of your control, you could use the ps command in a loop to detect when it finishes, and then launch the second the 2nd script:

while [ 1 ]
cnt=`ps x | grep -v grep | grep -c`
if [[ "$cnt" -eq 0 ]]
sleep 1
echo "Starting second program"
python -m

Tip: when using this approach, remember to use grep -v grep before the grep that looks for the process you want, or your grep command will count itself in the results.

(Please be gentle; this is my first attempt at answering a question here.)

How to spawn n processes and start another after one finishes using bash?

wait -n `jobs -p`

Seems to do the job. Thanks for the guidance l'L'l and hek2mgl.

Bash script running program lines one after another

I think Bash is trying to eat some of your Python options. To fix that, wrap each line in quotes and put eval at the front:


eval 'python /path/to/ analyze --probes /path/to/myfile.bed --rpkm_dir /path/to/RPKM/ --output /path/to/hdf5/analysis.hdf5 --write_svals /path/to/SVD/singular_values.txt'
eval 'python /path/to/ call --input /path/to/hdf5/analysis.hdf5 --output /path/to/calls.txt'
eval 'python /path/to/ plot --input /path/to/hdf5/analysis.hdf5 --calls /path/to/ --outputdir /path/to/call_images/'
echo 'Command sequence finished succesfully'

Run a script in parallel until another one finishes

You can use this loop:


python &

while [[ $(jobs -pr) ]]; do

jobs -pr lists the process IDs (-p) of running jobs (-r). If the output is empty, the backgrounds command has finished.

Run a job after another

One approach would be to see what the process ID of a.out is, with
top or ps, and have a launcher program that checks once a second to
see if that PID is still active. When it isn't, the launcher runs

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