Replace Whitespace with a Comma in a Text File in Linux

Replace multiple consecutive white spaces with one comma in Unix

If you want to use sed, you can use this one:

$ sed 's/ \{1,\}/,/g' file

It is based on glenn jackman's answer to How to strip multipe spaces to one using sed?.

It can also be like

sed 's/[[:space:]]\{1,\}/,/g' file

And note you can use sed -i.bak '...' file to get an in place edit, so that the original file will be backed up as file.bak and file will have the edited content.

But I think it is more clear with tr. With it, you can squeeze the spaces and then replace each one of them with a comma:

$ tr -s ' ' < file | tr ' ' ','

By pieces:

$ tr -s ' ' < file
10:33367054 C T 0.9275 0.9434 1.1685 0.1281 0.1843
10:33367707 G A 0.9476 0.9436 1.0292 0.1530 0.8244
10:33367804 G C 0.4193 1.0443 0.9734 0.0988 0.6443
10:33368119 C A 0.9742 0.9343 1.0201 0.1822 0.9156

From man tr:

tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]

Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input,
writing to standard output.

-s, --squeeze-repeats

replace each input sequence of a repeated character that is listed in
SET1 with a single occurrence of that character

Remove all white space in a file and replace them with a comma using Vim

First delete the blank lines:


Then use a substitution (:s///) over each line (%) to replace all (g) continuous whitespace (\s\+) with a comma (,).


Replace spaces with commas except for text inside brackets

Using GNU awk for FPAT:

$ awk -v FPAT='[^ ]*|[[][^]]+]' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1}1' file
[Royal Gauntlets of Silvermoon],(1),Senhna,2500g
[Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero],(1),Neithia,3000g
[Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero],(1),Buddafly,3000g

How to replace space with comma using sed?

If you are talking about sed, this works:

sed -e "s/ /,/g" < a.txt

In vim, use same regex to replace:

s/ /,/g

How do I replace first space with comma in UNIX

You can use this sed command

sed -r 's/\s+/,/' File_Name


sed -r 's/ +/,/' File_Name

-r, --regexp-extended

use extended regular expressions in the script.

Output :

123,Hi There
234,Hello there

how to replace every 6th ooccurrence blank space with new line from a file?

This is actually a pretty tricky thing to do. Here are a few ways:

  • sed: convert all whitespace to commas, then replace every 6th comma with a newline.

    sed -r 's/[[:blank:]]+/,/g; s/([^,]+(,[^,]+){5}),/\1\n/g' file
  • awk, print each field and decide what separator to use for each one.

    awk '{
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
    printf "%s%s", $i, (i == NF ? "" : ( i%6 == 0 ? "\n" : ","))
    print ""
    }' file
  • bash

    myjoin() { local IFS=$1; shift; echo "$*"; }
    while read -ra words; do
    while (( ${#words[@]} > 0 )); do
    myjoin , "${words[@]:0:6}"
    words=( "${words[@]:6}" )
    done < file
  • this one's my favourite: tr to convert whitespace to newlines; paste to print 6 fields per line; sed to clean up trailing commas on the last line

    tr -s '[:blank:]' '\n' < file | paste -d, - - - - - - | sed '$s/,\+$//'

    This one acts differently from the others though: if your input file has 3 lines of 8 words, all the other methods will output 6 lines, odd-numered lines with 6 fields and even-numbered lines with 2 fields. This answer will print 4 lines, all having 6 fields. So, depends on your need.

Replace first two whitespace occurrences with a comma using sed

How about this:

sed -e 's/\s\+/,/' | sed -e 's/\s\+/,/'

It's probably possible with a single sed command, but this is sure an easy way :)

My output:

a,b,1 2 3 3 2 1
c,d,44 55 66 2355
line,,100 200 300
ef,jh,77 88 99
z,y,2 3 33

Replacing all commas with spaces - S/R with a Unix Command?

sed 's/,/ /g' filename >resultfile

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