Bash Script - Iterating Over Output of Find

Bash Script - iterating over output of find

Since you aren't using any of the more advanced features of find, you can use a simple pattern to iterate over the subdirectories:

for i in ./*/; do
echo "$i"

Looping through find results in bash

You were close! Sticking a little closer to the original code (and thus avoiding starting more shells than necessary):


find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec bash -c '
for file do
convert "$file[2048x2048]" -gravity center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir${file:1}"
' _ {} +

...or, using your original shell and avoiding -exec entirely:

while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
convert "$file[2048x2048]" -gravity center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir${file:1}"
done < <(find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0)

These patterns and more are part of UsingFind.

How can I loop over the output of a shell command?

Never for loop over the results of a shell command if you want to process it line by line unless you are changing the value of the internal field separator $IFS to \n. This is because the lines will get subject of word splitting which leads to the actual results you are seeing. Meaning if you for example have a file like this:

foo bar
hello world

The following for loop

for i in $(cat file); do
echo "$i"

gives you:


Even if you use IFS='\n' the lines might still get subject of Filename expansion

I recommend to use while + read instead because read reads line by line.

Furthermore I would use pgrep if you are searching for pids belonging to a certain binary. However, since python might appear as different binaries, like python2.7 or python3.4 I suggest to pass -f to pgrep which makes it search the whole command line rather than just searching for binaries called python. But this will also find processes which have been started like cat You have been warned! At the end you can refine the regex passed to pgrep like you wish.


pgrep -f python | while read -r pid ; do
echo "$pid"

or if you also want the process name:

pgrep -af python | while read -r line ; do
echo "$line"

If you want the process name and the pid in separate variables:

pgrep -af python | while read -r pid cmd ; do
echo "pid: $pid, cmd: $cmd"

You see, read offers a flexible and stable way to process the output of a command line-by-line.

Btw, if you prefer your ps .. | grep command line over pgrep use the following loop:

ps -ewo pid,etime,cmd | grep python | grep -v grep | grep -v sh \
| while read -r pid etime cmd ; do
echo "$pid $cmd $etime"

Note how I changed the order of etime and cmd. Thus to be able to read cmd, which can contain whitespace, into a single variable. This works because read will break down the line into variables, as many times as you specified variables. The remaining part of the line - possibly including whitespace - will get assigned to the last variable which has been specified in the command line.

Split, find and iterate over output of command

You can extract the paths using just jq, with its regular expression based match filter:

$ cargo metadata | jq -r '.workspace_members[] | match("(?<=path\\+file:)[^)]+") | .string'

To iterate over them in a bash loop:

while read -r path; do
# Something with $path
done < <(cargo metadata | jq -r '.workspace_members[] | match("(?<=path\\+file:)[^)]+") | .string')

or save the lines in an array

readarray -t paths < <(cargo metadata | jq -r '.workspace_members[] | match("(?<=path\\+file:)[^)]+") | .string')

Loop over find result in bash

Blindly refactoring gets me something like


for d in "$DELIVERIES"/*_delivery_33_SR*/; do
echo "Release $sr"
if [ ! -e "${sr}.txt" ]
find "${deliveries_path}"/*"${sr}"/ -type f -name "*.ear" -o -name "*.war" |
sort |
xargs -n 1 basename |
tee -a "$sr.txt"

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

One way to do it is:

while read p; do
echo "$p"
done <peptides.txt

As pointed out in the comments, this has the side effects of trimming leading whitespace, interpreting backslash sequences, and skipping the last line if it's missing a terminating linefeed. If these are concerns, you can do:

while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ]
printf '%s\n' "$p"
done < peptides.txt

Exceptionally, if the loop body may read from standard input, you can open the file using a different file descriptor:

while read -u 10 p; do
done 10<peptides.txt

Here, 10 is just an arbitrary number (different from 0, 1, 2).

How can I process the results of find in a bash script?

You could use something like this:

find . -name '*.txt' | while read line; do
echo "Processing file '$line'"

For example, to make a copy:

find . -name '*.txt' | while read line; do
echo "Copying '$line' to /tmp"
cp -- "$line" /tmp

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