How to Increase Neo4J's Maximum File Open Limit (Ulimit) in Ubuntu

How to increase Neo4j's maximum file open limit (ulimit) in Ubuntu?

I am using Debian but this solution should work fine with Ubuntu.

You have to add a line in the neo4j-service script.

Here is what I have done :

nano /etc/init.d/neo4j-service
Add « ulimit –n 40000 » just before the start-stop-daemon line in the do_start section

Note that I am using version 2.0 Enterprise edition.
Hope this will help you.

How to increase the open files user limit in boxfuse?

Boxfuse Client and up now automatically adjust the user limits to match the kernel limits. See and

Simply upgrade with boxfuse -u and you should be good to go.

How to increase maximum open file limit in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5?

I don't know what is true RHEL way, but you can change the limit using sysctl:

$ sysctl -w fs.file-max=100000

To make the change permanent, add next string to /etc/sysctl.conf:

fs.file-max = 100000

then apply the change using command

$ sysctl -p

How to change *default* open-file limit on Ubuntu 12.4

1. check system wide settings: /etc/security/limits.conf

A very no limitations config file:

*               soft    nofile  102400
* hard nofile 102400
* soft nproc 102400
* hard nproc 102400
root hard nofile 102400
root soft nofile 102400

2. check program auto startup script and its settings

program auto startup script is a bit different, it has its own settings, or it will use the default 1024.

Example: program supervisor(Test on Ubuntu 12/14)

/etc/init.d/supervisor - auto startup script
/etc/init/supervisor.conf - auto startup script settings

You can add ulimit command in /etc/init.d/supervisor to set the limits, or just add limits settings in /etc/init/supervisor.conf. /etc/init/supervisor.conf example:

limit nofile 102400 102400

3. check program specific settings

Some program has its own limits. Like supervisor, it has its own file/process limits, so you must also add minfds and minprocs settings on its config files /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf. Some other program just use the system or auto startup settings.

Raise number of files a process can open beyond 2^20

Okay, I got it. You can't just set fs.file-max. You also have to set fs.nr_open, which has a default value of 2^20. I also removed the /etc/pam.d/common-session I created and commented out the session required line in /etc/pam.d/sudo.

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