Term Environment Variable Not Set

TERM environment variable not set

You can see if it's really not set. Run the command set | grep TERM.

If not, you can set it like that:
export TERM=xterm

what does TERM environment variable not set mean?

The TERM environment variable tells your program what type of terminal its running on. Each type of terminal displays data and responds to commands in its own way. For example, a VT100 terminal works quite differently from a IBM 3270 terminal.

The error message you're seeing says that the TERM environment variable isn't set, probably because you're trying to launch your program from within Xcode. You can add environment variables to be set in Xcode 4's scheme settings. As rob mayoff points out below, though, Xcode's console isn't a proper terminal emulator, so trying to run your program within Xcode isn't going to give you the results you're looking for.

eclipse TERM environment variable not set

The output is probably from clear. In order to send the correct sequence to the terminal for clearing the screen, it needs to know the terminal type and uses the TERM environment variable for it. In eclipse, you don't have a real terminal and no TERM variable is set.

That being said, don't execute clear from your own program. It forks a process for no gain, is not portable to non-*nix platforms, breaks the assumption that a normal tool will just write output and not delete anything, and, as you see, depends on the environment.

If you really need control over the terminal as a screen, have a look at the curses library.

How to properly set environment variable TERM in CLion

Finally found the fix. You must add the Environment Variable TERM=xterm-256color not in the Console or the CMake config bug in the your Run/Debug configuration.

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