Stack Resident Buffer Overflow on 64-Bit

Stack resident buffer overflow on 64-bit?

Those two instructions are doing exactly what you expect them to do. You have overwritten the previous stack frame with 0x41's so when you hit the leaveq, you are doing this:

mov rsp, rbp
pop rpb

Now rsp points to where rbp did before. However, you have overwritten that region of memory, so when you do the pop rbp, the hardware is essentially doing this

mov rbp, [rsp]
add rsp,1

But [rsp] now has 0x41's. So this is why you're seeing rbp get filled with that value.

As for why rip isn't getting set like you expect, it's because ret is setting the rip to 0x41 and then generating an exception (page fault) on the instruction fetch. I wouldn't rely on GDB to show the right thing in this case. You should try overwriting the return value with a valid address within the program's text segment and you likely won't see this weird behavior.

Buffer overflow successful, but it shouldn't be?

C string are NUL terminated, so you end up with a 1-byte overflow with a value of zero (NUL).

The one-byte NUL overflow modifies the saved value of $ebp to point lower on the stack than it should. This results in restoring an incorrect value into $esp, and control of $eip.

Take specific note of the value of ebp. After the call, the value of $ebp is still the same, but the value it points to (the value which main will restore off the stack) has been adjusted, and points into the middle of our controlled buffer.

When greeting returns into main, nothing happens. However, when main restores the stack frame with a leave instruction, the stack pointer $esp is set into the middle of our controlled buffer. When the ret instruction is executed, we have control over $eip.

Note that I've used a cyclic pattern generated by pwntools rather than the standard AAAAA since we can use it to calculate offsets. For example 'aaaa' => 0, 'aaab' => 1, 'aaba' => 2.

Before Strcpy

EBP: 0xffffc6e8 --> 0xffffc6f8 --> 0x0 
ESP: 0xffffc54c --> 0xffffc558 --> 0xffffc5c8 --> 0xf63d4e2e
EIP: 0x8048466 (<greeting+25>: call 0x8048320 <strcpy@plt>)

After Strcpy

EBP: 0xffffc6e8 --> 0xffffc600 ("raabsaabtaabuaabvaabwaabxaabyaab"...)
ESP: 0xffffc54c --> 0xffffc558 ("aaaabaaacaaadaaaeaaafaaagaaahaaa"...)
EIP: 0x804846b (<greeting+30>: lea eax,[ebp-0x190])

Before leave in main

EBP: 0xffffc600 ("raabsaabtaabuaabvaabwaabxaabyaab"...)
ESP: 0xffffc6f0 --> 0xffffc9bb ("Mister")
EIP: 0x80484b1 (<main+39>: leave)

After leave in main

EBP: 0x62616172 (b'raab')
ESP: 0xffffc604 ("saabtaabuaabvaabwaabxaabyaabzaac"...)
EIP: 0x80484b2 (<main+40>: ret)

At ret in main

EBP: 0x62616172 (b'raab')
ESP: 0xffffc608 ("taabuaabvaabwaabxaabyaabzaacbaac"...)
EIP: 0x62616173 (b'saab')

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