Sonarqube Does Not Come Back Up After I Enable Postgres and Set Sonar.Properties

SonarQube does not come back up after I enable PostGres and set

Format of JDBC URL for PostgreSQL is jdbc:postgresql://<host>/<database>. In your case the property should look like sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://

Sonarqube does not load its page without any error message when connected to PostgresQL

Your JDBC URL does not seems correct : is your postgresql instance listening on port 9000, default port is 5432 ?
9000 port is used by SonarQube to expose its http port.

Sonarqube could not connect to PostgreSQL

Years after this, someone upvoted my question.

So, I came here to read the question, and as I still working with this, I made a new installation of my whole system in 2015. And all the things worked well. At the time I didn't realized that the problem is just the missing port in Postgres configuration.

Now, reading the question again and looking to my server configuration, I've find out that replacing this line should solve the problem:




When running SonarQube 5.3 in AWS missing rules after reprovisioning pointing to same Postgres RDS instance

This is the expected behavior. The default plugins packaged with the distribution are installed only the first time, when database is fresh. When connecting to an existing database, the plugins stored in the directory extensions/plugins/ are loaded. In your case this directory is empty. You should be careful that this directory is up-to-date, as well as conf/ and data/ too.

Configuration of Sonarqube with postgresql

I finally found additional error logs in /opt/sonarqube/logs/web.log

The problem is that I mixed up postgresql "database" and "schema" :

ALTER USER sonar SET search_path TO sonardb;

The search_path must point to the schema, not the database. But the default schema is public, so removing this line in the install script should do the job.

SonarQube: How to connect to SSL enabled Google Cloud Postgresql server

You should add the following to the URL:


See the documentation for the available SSL connection parameters and SSL client configuration.

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