How to Use Named Mutex at Linux

System-wide global variable / semaphore / mutex in C++/Linux?

You can use a named semaphore if you can get all the processes to agree on a common name.

A named semaphore is identified by a name of the form
/somename; that is, a null-terminated string of up to
NAME_MAX-4 (i.e., 251) characters consisting of an initial
slash, followed by one or more characters, none of which are
slashes. Two processes can operate on the same named
semaphore by passing the same name to sem_open(3)

Is it possible to use mutex in multiprocessing case on Linux/UNIX ?

Mutual exclusion locks (mutexes) prevent multiple threads
from simultaneously executing critical sections of code that
access shared data (that is, mutexes are used to serialize
the execution of threads). All mutexes must be global. A
successful call for a mutex lock by way of mutex_lock()
will cause another thread that is also trying to lock the
same mutex to block until the owner thread unlocks it by way
of mutex_unlock(). Threads within the same process or
within other processes can share mutexes.

Mutexes can synchronize threads within the same process or
in other processes. Mutexes can be used to synchronize
threads between processes if the mutexes are allocated in
writable memory and shared among the cooperating processes
(see mmap(2)), and have been initialized for this task.


Mutexes are either intra-process or inter-process, depending
upon the argument passed implicitly or explicitly to the
initialization of that mutex. A statically allocated mutex
does not need to be explicitly initialized; by default, a
statically allocated mutex is initialized with all zeros
and its scope is set to be within the calling process.

For inter-process synchronization, a mutex needs to be allo-
cated in memory shared between these processes. Since the
memory for such a mutex must be allocated dynamically, the
mutex needs to be explicitly initialized using mutex_init().

How to use named mutexes and async/await in .NET Core 3.1?

The linked solution only works when using a named mutex to synchronize asynchronous code across processes. It won't work to synchronize code within the same process. Mutexes allow recursive acquisition, so by moving all acquisitions on the same thread, it's the same as if the mutex isn't there at all.

I'd have to keep all my semaphores in a Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> and that would be too cumbersome to manage.

If you need a non-recursive named mutex, named Semaphores (which don't work on Linux) or managing your own dictionary is really the only way to go.

I have an AsyncCache<T> that I've been working on but isn't prod-ready yet. It tries to look like a cache of Task<T> instances but is actually a cache of TaskCompletionSource<T> instances.

Mono alternative for named Mutex

Try to look at

Mono does not support any Windows-native IPC.
So you do not have for example Named Pipes, or Mutexes.

But to sync threads in the same process you can use Monitor class explicitly (it also used for lock).

To simply notify another process you can try to use Unix Domain Sockets.

Check UnixEndPoint class for that. One of benefits you can specify name for it (like for named semaphore for example).

Also you can try to emulate Mutex using own file. Try to get exclusive access to specific own file. While you have that access - you are in critical section.

System-wide mutex in Python on Linux

The "traditional" Unix answer is to use file locks. You can use lockf(3) to lock sections of a file so that other processes can't edit it; a very common abuse is to use this as a mutex between processes. The python equivalent is fcntl.lockf.

Traditionally you write the PID of the locking process into the lock file, so that deadlocks due to processes dying while holding the lock are identifiable and fixable.

This gets you what you want, since your lock is in a global namespace (the filesystem) and accessible to all processes. This approach also has the perk that non-Python programs can participate in your locking. The downside is that you need a place for this lock file to live; also, some filesystems don't actually lock correctly, so there's a risk that it will silently fail to achieve exclusion. You win some, you lose some.

How to use a file as a mutex in Linux and C?

Your example is as good as you're going to get using flock (2) (which is after all, merely an "advisory" lock (which is to say not a lock at all, really)). The man page for it on my Mac OS X system has a couple of possibly important provisos:

Locks are on files, not file descriptors. That is, file descriptors duplicated through dup(2) or fork(2) do not result in multiple instances of a
lock, but rather multiple references to a single lock. If a process holding a lock on a file forks and the child explicitly unlocks the file, the
parent will lose its lock


Processes blocked awaiting a lock may be awakened by signals.

both of which suggest ways it could fail.

// would have been a comment, but I wanted to quote the man page at some length

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